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Do you have a day/time you set aside for you for your homeschooling??

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This could be getting caught up with a magazine with new ideas/info, listening to MP3 audio lectures, going over and correcting work, planning school stuff out (curriculum, field trips), etc...


I am trying to find time to balance everything- school, menu planning, grocery shopping, e-mail, regular shopping, balancing accounts, budgeting, making and keeping appts, and now making sure I am up to date on stuff on homeschooling. Time seems to keep slipping away. Not mention I'd "kill" for some free time. I usually think I'll go over stuff I need to after the kids are in bed, but I am tired and my brain needs a break. If I do anything it's usually read for pleasure before I finally crash out. I am hoping to find a better way...

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Well, you have a lot more kids than I do so I'm sure it's harder for you anyway!


Most mornings, I'm up by like 7 AM and my teen goes off to her special needs school (out the door by like 7:30).


My younger two usually don't get up til later. So while my oldest is getting ready for school and out the door and while I'm waiting for my youngers to get up (or until I feel I need to wake them up), I have "free time."


Usually spent at my computer desk with a cup of coffee, catching up on message board stuff, emails, my blog and so on.


It's usually somewhere around 9-9:30 that the younger ones are eating breakfast and starting their day, and between 9:30-10:00 we start school (most days, we don't really have a standard start time though).


Since my 10 y/o is the only one doing a formal curriculum right now, and since there are some things she can do independently, the types of things you're talking about, I might do while she's working on an independent assignment (or I might do that in the morning before they get up, or in rare cases at night when they go to bed, although by that time, usually all I want to do is watch a TV show, then lay in bed and read a few pages of my book before I fall asleep)!


Errands and appointments I just do as necessary and/or as I feel like it. Sometimes I take the kids with me. Sometimes I leave them behind with their dad (who doesn't leave for work til almost 1 PM which is nice) and let them have some free time, or tell my daughter "work on this while I'm gone."


I'm sure it would be a lot more stressful if I had more kids actively homeschooling and a spouse who was gone for a 9-5 type job!

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I just started scheduling time for that type of stuff this year. I have from 3-4 most weekdays earmarked as grading, computer input, etc. Also, every three weeks I scheduled a "teacher inservice day". That is for me to use on whatever I deem necessary- whether it be lesson plans, organization, research, or cleaning house.


So far, the practice doesn't quite meet the theory :tongue_smilie:, but I'm still happy with it. It's the first time I'm actually caught up on my grading and record keeping.

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I get up at 5:30-6:00 almost every day (somehow I managed to sleep in until 6:30 today! Whoo hoo!). Ds (the only one I have to plan for) sleeps until about 8. I spend that couple of hours catching up here, following links to new ideas/curricula, and planning what will happen during our homeschool day. Any work gets graded immediately after it's finished--and really, that's only math and vocabulary quizzes. His other work we talk through together as he needs. I try really hard to stay off the computer during the day, since our rule is that ds can't unless he's writing something for school. Then, in the evening, I might do a little more poking around.

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I don't know if this will help you, but here's how I do it. I plan out all my lessons for the entire school year during the summer, so that's something I don't have to do during the week. I also have a quiet time/nap time for all children (ages 3-13) from 2 until 4 every day. This is time for them to be alone, either to finish up schoolwork or read/play. It's also my "me" time, which I can use for whatever needs doing.

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Well, you have a lot more kids than I do so I'm sure it's harder for you anyway!


Most mornings, I'm up by like 7 AM and my teen goes off to her special needs school (out the door by like 7:30).


My younger two usually don't get up til later. So while my oldest is getting ready for school and out the door and while I'm waiting for my youngers to get up (or until I feel I need to wake them up), I have "free time."


Usually spent at my computer desk with a cup of coffee, catching up on message board stuff, emails, my blog and so on.


It's usually somewhere around 9-9:30 that the younger ones are eating breakfast and starting their day, and between 9:30-10:00 we start school (most days, we don't really have a standard start time though).


Since my 10 y/o is the only one doing a formal curriculum right now, and since there are some things she can do independently, the types of things you're talking about, I might do while she's working on an independent assignment (or I might do that in the morning before they get up, or in rare cases at night when they go to bed, although by that time, usually all I want to do is watch a TV show, then lay in bed and read a few pages of my book before I fall asleep)!


Errands and appointments I just do as necessary and/or as I feel like it. Sometimes I take the kids with me. Sometimes I leave them behind with their dad (who doesn't leave for work til almost 1 PM which is nice) and let them have some free time, or tell my daughter "work on this while I'm gone."


I'm sure it would be a lot more stressful if I had more kids actively homeschooling and a spouse who was gone for a 9-5 type job!


Actually 2, 9-5 jobs more or less. 1 is 10 days on, 4 days off, from about 8-5. Then the other is 3 days a week (Th-Sa), evenings from 5:30- whenever...


I just started scheduling time for that type of stuff this year. I have from 3-4 most weekdays earmarked as grading, computer input, etc. Also, every three weeks I scheduled a "teacher inservice day". That is for me to use on whatever I deem necessary- whether it be lesson plans, organization, research, or cleaning house.


So far, the practice doesn't quite meet the theory :tongue_smilie:, but I'm still happy with it. It's the first time I'm actually caught up on my grading and record keeping.


I like the idea of a "teacher inservice" day ;)


I don't know if this will help you, but here's how I do it. I plan out all my lessons for the entire school year during the summer, so that's something I don't have to do during the week. I also have a quiet time/nap time for all children (ages 3-13) from 2 until 4 every day. This is time for them to be alone, either to finish up schoolwork or read/play. It's also my "me" time, which I can use for whatever needs doing.


We used to do that, but I haven't in forever.... maybe I need to resurrect it ;)

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