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Someone reassure me the 2 year olds eat what they need

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My dd seems not to be eating well the past few weeks. A bite here or nibble there. I've been closely monitoring her juice and milk intake thinking she was filling up on fluids. We give her vitamins every other day and I put out healthy things for her eat and make a small place of food at meals so she doesn't feel overwhelmed to eat a whole lot. I had 3 boys before her and never ran into this. Anything else you can recommend? She'd eat organic peanut butter and honey on 3 seed bread all day if I let her but am afraid of constipation from the peanut butter.

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My dd2 is a "grazer". She will eat little things all day long, but never a big meal. Even at dinner, she'll eat a few bites, walk off, come back 10 min. later and eat another few bites, etc. until it's usually all gone. THEN, she eats everyone elses leftovers during the course of the night. :D I have a ds6 who has NEVER eaten very well and yet he thrives! Like others said...just make sure it's healthy choosings as you are doing already! PB on 3 seed bread is good stuff!

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If she is prone to constipation than it is probably dairy. PB on 3 seed bread is excellent.


Could she be getting in some molars?


One of my boys is a little guy and had weight gain problems. He has always loved smoothies. I've gotten good at adding things into those. Oatmeal, avocado, flaxseed, fish or flax oil, coconut oil are all things that can be added to ump the nutrition.


Dad's Sneaky pudding which can be found by scrolling down is a great snack http://www.vegfamily.com/babies-and-toddlers/weight-gain-veg-toddlers.htm

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I think 2 year olds, and young children probably eat better than most adults. They eat when their hungry, while adults tend to use food as a treat, or eat more than they need. You can try giving her almond butter, or cashew butter or different nuts to vary her diet. Use the healthiest bread she'll eat, and organic jelly, or honey. By 6 year old stil has PB&J as a stapple.

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