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Teen Girl Advice from those that have BTDT :(

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I value everyone's opinion here. And I am so grateful I posted. It's really hard to put yourself out there for criticism, but I felt I needed some people to talk to and I also really felt the need to share. Because let me tell you something fellow parents: it's a different world then we lived in.




You are a brave and wise momma.


Hang in there. I expect things will be bumpy and raw for a good while. You will be in my prayers as you navigate this with your dd. She is blessed to have you by her side right now.



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JMHO - the problem we have in this conversation is the one-size-fits-all parenting method and that never works. If she has even a touch of her teens heart left, if her teen is basically a lost young lady who has gotten caught up in something she is likely very unhappy about, she can redirect her with the confrontation, restrictions, etc, if done lovingly.


If she has lost her daughter to society, friends, and if they have a very confrontational relationship already, she could push her out the door. It may have pushed me out as my mother was not my advocate, she was the person in the way of my "self-realization and happiness". :001_rolleyes: (The eye-roll is directed and my teenage self.) This isn't how my daughters treat me - not even close. I can parent a teen in a different way than my mother could parent me.


Only the OP knows her daughter and she will need to decide what she can do to prevent further problems in this direction. Cookie-cutter advice will only get you so far. From what little I have read into it, I don't get the feeling she has lost all ability to help steer her away from danger, but that's just an opinion based on very little. I find the advice to have merit on both sides, regarding whether to confront her or if restrictions would back-fire, (Ok, I admit the "let her do it just because she's "X" age" isn't my way - she's still young and needs at least age appropriate authority), depending completely on where the OP is with her daughter.

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