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If you've sent everything to the college except the actual application....


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Should you expect to hear from the college?


My dd had her SAT scores and transcripts sent to 3 colleges.


College #1 sends her mail/e-mail/phone calls regularly. But she's been in their system for a couple of years since she's attended events there.


College #2 got her scores and transcripts and immediately started with the mail - she's gotten 3 pieces of mail in 10 days (including an offer to waive the application fee), and last night got a phone call.


College #3 - Not only have they received her scores & transcripts, but they've received 2 letters of recommendation. But we've heard nothing! I am puzzled only because I assume all colleges these days would have the systems in place to follow up with students who've expressed interest like this. They have special campus visit events coming up, and we haven't received so much as a postcard.


So what's normal?

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I think it's a factor of the size of the college and how much they want the student. Smaller secular colleges tend to be more personal as have Christian colleges in our experience. Larger colleges send less and hardly ever call (but do e-mail and send snail mail). If your student is easily in the top 25% of students you can get lots of contact - even if you never send in anything, but they THINK you might possibly be interested (even if you've told them you're not!).


With PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores out soon or recently, the USPS will be kept in business by those of us with college aged students.

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SO far, here is how it has gone. I believe four colleges acknowledged received ACT scores and asking her to complete an application. Three colleges she has received acceptances had either very early deadlines or had a rolling deadline. Two of those said they needed something else since we hadn't sent everything at the exact same time. SInce then, dd has applied to four more schools. One sent an email with an erroneous message that her application was missing all sorts of things (it wasn't missing anything). One sent a present. One sends emails about the college and alumnis. One has not done anything at all so I will be calling tomorrow to verify they received her application and everything for it.

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All of the schools around here require a formal admission form. They won't even consider your enrollment until you do. That may not be the norm everywhere but since it is here, I'd tell you to call the school admissions office and ask if they need an official application.

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All of the schools around here require a formal admission form. They won't even consider your enrollment until you do.


Same here. I was told by one of the admission reps that until the application is received--and "entered into the computer"--everything else just sits in boxes (could be physical OR online) alphabetized like A-F, G-L, etc. etc. and NOTHING is looked at until the application is received. In other words, the school doesn't even know the applicant exists until an application is received online. No transcripts, test scores, etc--whether paper OR electronically transmitted--are ever looked at until a student transmits an application. It seems the application generates activity in the admissions office.


Once the application is received the admissions clerk goes to the appropriate box and starts pulling the supporting documentation.


BTW, my DD received congrats... e-mails from all colleges. None were sent snail mail, probably because ALL requested electronic transmittal of everything.

Edited by distancia
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Same here. I was told by one of the admission reps that until the application is received--and "entered into the computer"--everything else just sits in boxes alphabetized like A-F, G-L, etc. etc. and NOTHING is looked at until the application is received. IN ohter words, the school doesn't evne know the applicant exists until an application is received online. No transcripts, test scores, etc--whether paper OR electronically transmitted--are ever looked at until a student transmits an application. It seems the application generates activity in the admissions office.




Oh, that's surprising but good to have that info. Because the other 2 colleges have "marketing" files on dd, I assumed the 3rd one would, also.

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When my daughter applied to college a couple of years ago, she applied to ten colleges. One of the colleges never acknowledged her application at all. (And unlike the scenario you mentioned, this college had received her application as well as all of the counselor paperwork.) We were quite surprised come April 1 when she received an acceptance. We'd assumed that silence equated to rejection ... not so in this case. The college in question was Wake Forest.




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