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Online groups - Is Yahoo groups the best?

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It has always met my needs and seems to work very well. I like that you can be as little or as much involved as you want too--from getting all the messages e-mailed to you to none of them. What kind of discussions are looking at having? It may not be as efficient as a message board such as this, but it can still work so long as the discussions aren't too involved.

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It sounds like Yahoo groups may be what I need. I really need something that's not going to be too technical, time-consuming, or difficult for me to maintain.


Next month I'm giving a presentation for parents about the spiritual training on their children in the home. The participants will be coming from all over the country for a weekend of activities (not just my seminar) and then returning home again. One of my main objectives is to get parents talking about this--talking with people at home but also staying connected with those who attended the seminar or others who are interested in the topic. I'd like to upload some of my presentation materials, resource lists, etc, so members can access it. But I would also like a forum where parents can come to get encouragement, problem-solve together, and inspire each other. I don't expect it to be a large volume thing, but I want to give it a try and see it takes off and remains active. Does it sound like this will work with Yahoo?

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Have you seen Big Tent? It's really neat and looks more "updated" than Yahoo! groups, FWIW. I had a homeschool group on Big Tent for several months, but it was too hard to get people to migrate from the Yahoo! group that we were using first, and in the end we remained on Yahoo! :tongue_smilie:


Either would probably work fine!

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i refuse to sign up for anything on them ~ which has meant that i've skipped a few groups that i actually might have enjoyed had they been set up as a forum like this or....anything other than yahoo groups.


so ummm unless you have a lot of people like me in your presentation group, all should go well. :laugh:

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Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Yahoo groups either. It's so cluttered and hard to find what I'm looking for. It might work well for this group if it's pretty low volume though. I still need to check out Big Tent too.


Another thought occurred to me--Would a Facebook group be a good idea for a group like this? So many people are on FB anyway that they might be more likely to post in a FB group. Any thoughts?

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I just moved my small homeschool group from Yahoo to Groupsite. So far, it's been great, and it's free. But if it's a large group you might hit the file upload limit--we're small so it's not an issue. It has a great calendar function where people can RSVP, like meetup.com, which i love.

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I also am fed up with Yahoo groups and I'm the mod of a couple of them. I'm particularly fed up with Yahoo losing messages.


I also have experience with Google groups, but I find it less user friendly.


My take is that if you're starting a group that you want new people to find, then Yahoo is the best venue because everyone knows Yahoo groups and looks for groups on Yahoo. However, if you're starting something for a specific group of people that's already set up or it will be a word of mouth thing anyway, then I say look elsewhere.

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I've been looking around, and I really do like Groupsites. So far, they are getting my vote--so easy to use and nice format. I plan to spread by word of mouth, so I don't think it would be a problem to choose a less popular site if it does everything I need. I really appreciate your suggestions! I wasn't sure where to turn, and I've learned a lot about what is out there!:)

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Stacey-I actually have KEPT my yahoo group up, but if someone tries to join, I send them a message saying, "Please join our groupsite" and then give them the URL. So I get the benefit of Yahoo Groups being well known and the place where lots of people go to look for groups, but not the hassle. :)



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Stacey-I actually have KEPT my yahoo group up, but if someone tries to join, I send them a message saying, "Please join our groupsite" and then give them the URL. So I get the benefit of Yahoo Groups being well known and the place where lots of people go to look for groups, but not the hassle. :)




Great idea!

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