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We've been working a long well, but I'm not happy this year with the work we've been doing. Just...something isn't sitting well for me. I have all of Charlotte Mason's books, I have Karen Andreola's books, and I've briefly glanced at AO before, but became afraid of 'lack of rigor' and went back to making stuff up myself.


Now, I KNOW that CM does not = lack of rigor, but that her timing vs other classical currics may make it seem as such. And, that's what scares me. :glare:


Has anyone graduated a child through AO and packed them off to college? Can you tell me about your experiences? I'm really wanting to slow down and go deeper (that depth vs breadth thread, again) but, frankly, it raises those fears that I'll ruin them forever. And this is from me, the relaxed classical homeschooler. Believe, me, I'm not proud of myself but I need to sleep and these questions are keeping me up all night perusing the boards and the interwebs, searching out my answers.




eta, this is the article that has me up at night. So much of it in not so many words (or many, many words?) has been said here in the past few months, and I can't help but thing I'm still missing the boat.

Edited by justamouse
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I just started using AO this year, so I can't tell you it's all going to work out. I have the same doubts somedays, mainly about grammar and spelling. Have you checked out any of the AO or HEO yahoo groups? Maybe there are some people over there who have graduated some kids and they could give you some reassurance that it's all going to click into place.

Edited by stormy weather
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I just started using AO this year, so I can't tell you it's all going to work out. I have the same doubts somedays, mainly about grammar and spelling. Have you checked out any of the AO or HEO yahoo groups? Maybe there are some people over there who have graduated some kids and they could give you some reassurance that it's all going to click into place.


No, I haven't gotten that far in my decision yet, but perhaps that's where I should go before I make it? :001_smile: *duh*

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My biggest concerns are grammar and spelling as well. However, I think the error may be on MY part....not doing the LA as diligently as CM may have meant for me to do it. Not sure....


I am still sticking with CM, however I add from Classical Ed (WTM) such as science/history rotation and LA of presenting grammar young instead of at older ages.

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justamouse and Angelbee, what years are you using and what ages are the dc you are using it with? Just out of curiousity?

Right now we are using YR0 and Yr1 mixed for my ds6 and dd3 (almost 4). Then I have dd8 and ds10 doing a mix of YR 2-5.


Dd8 (Yr2 with some Yr3 selections) and the littles (Yr0and some Yr 1 selections) are using this the most purely.....so I can judge most closely on them. Dd8 is below average for spelling. I do believe if I stuck with AO longterm, it would even out, but honestly I started to panic alittle. We are in legal proceedings (parenting time and activity/school participation w/ ds10 bio dad) and homeschooling is being discussed as an issue by father. As a result, I have switched some things up so that "I" felt more comfortable(like adding more American History and WTM LA recommendations.)


I also started AO a little late with ds10 and wanted to expose him to the earlier selections, that is why he is not in one specific year.


I also have a senior who is plucking through Yr pre7 and the 7-12 selections as he chooses. He was just adopted in March and has never been exposed to literature like this so it is a BIG transition for him.


I also am not a purist when it comes to history/science, so we use a 3 yr rotation for those as well. I then use the Ao selections, but during the timeframe we are covering....if that makes sense.


Whew! I may have just made it MORE confusing for you! :confused: :lol:

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justamouse and Angelbee, what years are you using and what ages are the dc you are using it with? Just out of curiousity?


I'm not using it at all yet, I'm just looking for reassurance that if I make this jump, I'll be able to get my kids into college. *g* If I do it, I'm doing it. My kids are still young enough (and my 15 yo still had enough classical) that it -hopefully-would be a smooth adjustment for us.


that said, I looked at the AO grade *requirements* that CM herself listed-they what they should be doing at each year and much to my chagrin, there's no room for slacking. I'm going to pull CM's SCHOOL EDUCATION out and see what applies to the years I'm teaching.

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We use AO as our core. Just this week I made a blog post on using living books as a curriculum and how it has affected my family of 12 kids and even the ones in college. I would encourage you to hop over and check it out. Might be able to help. It's too extensive to repeat it here. It is on my family blog below.

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I know I read about several parents who graduated kids using AO and these kids have been more than prepared for college. I remember one parent saying that the college interviewer was really impressed by the books used. The AO Yahoo group is invaluable for this type of encouragement and stories of veteran AO users.


I'm using it with ds (9) now. We've done Years 1, (almost done with) 2 and will start Year 3 in about 2 months.

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I know I read about several parents who graduated kids using AO and these kids have been more than prepared for college. I remember one parent saying that the college interviewer was really impressed by the books used. The AO Yahoo group is invaluable for this type of encouragement and stories of veteran AO users.


I'm using it with ds (9) now. We've done Years 1, (almost done with) 2 and will start Year 3 in about 2 months.


thanks, I just joined the lists! and you're in my favorite city! we're not that far away and I try to skip in when I get the chance.

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I have the same doubts somedays, mainly about grammar and spelling.


I quit AO in part because of this sort of thing (well, that and my dd's need for hands-on learning as opposed to the read-alouds done in abundance at the younger stages. She's not that auditory!). HOWEVER, we can add in things like spelling and grammar (MCT here, after doing Emma Serl's PLL and ILL for 3 years) in a Charlotte Masonesque manner. Spelling Power, for example, takes hardly any time at all, and MCT is short and sweet in its various compontents. These things can be added in or adapted without compromising the crux of the CM method—and they work!


FWIW, I am considering switching back to AO now that my dc are out of the early elementary years, and I feel a bit more confident of my ability to guide their schooling well.

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justamouse, I was just reading this last week when I was having a doubtful moment about the whole "am I rigorous enough" and I came away feeling that I wasn't really choosing between rigor or none, there are just differences in where the emphasis is.

AO also has CM's books on their site for reading or download. It was interesting reading her and not someone else's idea/interpretation of her.


Angelbee, just reading that made me sigh with relief that I only had to coordinate two years. Well, really three because I had some crazy idea that I would do year 7 this year:lol: Can you guess how that is working out?:tongue_smilie:

Anyhoo, maybe now that we've fallen into a schedule I can start reading again.


I really enjoy what we're doing, I'm probably not as rigorous as CM, but I feel like we're building a good foundation. I love the way AO is set up, it's just enough direction. Too much and I get rebellious :D

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:lol I nearly just spit coffee on my screen! I had the same plan! :D It has not been going well here either!!! :tongue_smilie:

:lol: I thought, "What can it hurt to buy the books a few years early, plus I'll know exactly what they're doing when they are in year 7.":lol:


The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,

Gang aft agley,

An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,

For promis'd joy!

(The best laid schemes of Mice and Men

oft go awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!) Robert Burns, To a Mouse (Poem, November, 1785)

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  • 2 months later...
:lol: I thought, "What can it hurt to buy the books a few years early, plus I'll know exactly what they're doing when they are in year 7.":lol:


The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,

Gang aft agley,

An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,

For promis'd joy!

(The best laid schemes of Mice and Men

oft go awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!) Robert Burns, To a Mouse (Poem, November, 1785)

That was my thought too! :D

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