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Do you ever regret giving someone the link to your blog?

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Do you have someone close to you who emails you and has negative things to say, either about the content of your blog, or about the fact that you didn't talk to them separately about what you put in your blog? (Not even anything to do with them but like you write about the kids, and they demand "why didn't you tell me about that, why do I have to read about it in your blog" kind of thing)?


It makes me nuts.


Just sayin'!

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Yep. I tell them I refuse to live my life in quadruplicate of text, email, Facebook, blog, snail mail, phone call, or chat in person everything with everyone so that no one is missed. If they are bothered, they don't have to read it. My feelings aren't hurt if my friends or family don't read my blog.


All said with a big smile of course because when you put it that way, they are being rather ridiculous.;)

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Yes even though nothing has come of it yet I do wish there is someone who did not have a link to my blog. It's a grandmother I know IRL whose grandson is the best at everything. He's the brightest student in the best school and most athletic baseball player making him far superior to son. And since I'm brutally honest on my blog about my failures and the struggles I have with my son, it can only be fueling her feelings of superiority.


I didn't give her the link directly but she is on my Facebook and there is a link through there. I've seriously toyed with blocking her but that might make things even more uncomfortable when we meet. :tongue_smilie:

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No, though I'm sure some family does wish I'd share more with them and not have them find things out on the blog. But it's stuff I find trivial...but it's not always trivial to them.


But for me, it's the only way to share with some family who we don't get to talk to often, but are close to..so I share anyway. I can't always remember who I talked to and who I didn't.


I am becoming more careful with FB friends, though for this reason (not family..but folks who I don't necessarily want in my daily life any longer).

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