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Is there any legal reason I wouldn't be able to ....

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run a week-long day camp using the FIAR book/approach? I am thinking of doing a camp the week after Christmas, using the "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" book and the FIAR activities listed in the Volume 1 book. I won't be calling it a "Five in a Row" camp in my advertising -- just using that approach and one of their books/activities.




ETA - I'm not talking about zoning, liability and the like; I'm asking about using the FIAR program. Thanks for that advice, but that I have covered. :)

Edited by milovaný
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What is the FIAR provision regarding copyright and use? Most books/curricula state that the material may not be used for anything other than "personal use" without the permission of the author (especially if you'll be reproducing worksheets for the activities, etc.). I would check the verbiage, and if that's what it states, I would contact the author for permission just to be on the safe side.


ETA: if you're not going to be reproducing anything of theirs (like printed activity sheets) and are just reading a story and adapting some activities for use in the camp, then I would think a simple mention of "this is from FIAR" (in order to give credit to the author) would be sufficient regardless of the copyright provision.

Edited by Dandelion
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Glad to hear you're pursuing this!


Just as a side note: our lawyer is helping us work through some "legalities" about how many people can attend "classes" in our home, as well as the need for business licensure. Might want to pursue that angle. . . .


Let us know how it turns out!

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