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Best way to learn all US President?


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we have all of the President books, flashcards and the fandeck, but we finally cemented the names of the Presidents the same way we've memorized everything else: we chant it. We find a rhythm to it and usually add some hand motions. My kids usually draw their finger across their throat for those that died in office, to help us remember.




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Not sure if that link will work, but it's a presidents song on youtube. My dd developed a deep love for the presidents after MIL bought her a presidents placemat and she asked who they were and wanted to know all their names by heart :001_huh:. So. I found the above song, and my then 3.5 yr old learned it and now loves to sing the song for hsing naysayers. Shuts 'em up rather quickly. It's missing Obama, as it was done before the election but my DD likes to add it to the end in shout/fistpump form :lol:.

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It's out of stock at amazon.com and I just called my local Barnes and Noble and in their system it says it is out of print. :( Off to check my local Half Price Books (my first choice for buying books anyway!)

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