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If you use Singapore math- do you test?

Shawn On the Border

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I don't think it would matter if you did not use the tests. I use the test after each section just to confirm that he grasped each section. But this is because I prefer this over doing a ton of workbook and other practice if he can show on the tests that he has mastered the concept.

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I don't know what the tests are in the Standards Ed. If they are the same thing as Revision (original) or Review (US), then I do think they are helpful.


They act as a quick review and test of knowledge. Occasionally one of my dc has turned up a weak spot on a review which gives us the chance to talk about it again before moving on. Yes, usually they are easy and just take an hour to get through. So what? There's plenty of time. If it is easy, then it will go quickly. If it is not easy, then they need the practice. (That's what I tell them when they gripe about anything like that, lol)

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