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What could cause hives in more than one kid at the same time?

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Yesterday one of my teens had hives pretty bad. Later in the evening one of my younger ones started with them. This morning the younger one is covered head to toe in hives. The teen is still asleep so I don't know if the hives are still there.


Could this be viral? The teen mentioned his feet were sore yesterday and I don't know if that's connected. The younger one hasn't said anything hurts, just itchy from the hives.


We have had a cold in the house and one of my adult kids does have mono. The kids with hives have no cough, runny nose, fever etc. Just sore feet in the one teen.


We spent last Saturday clearing brush outside so I originally thought poison oak or ivy ?


What do you think?

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I found this.


Infections can cause hives in some people. In fact, viral infections cause more than 80 percent of all cases of acute hives in children. A variety of viruses can cause hives, even routine cold viruses. The hives seem to appear as the immune system begins to clear the infection, sometimes a week or more after the illness begins. The hives usually persist for a week or two and then disappear.


I hope everyone gets well soon!

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People can get hives from viruses but they are not likely to react to the same virus. It would be like all of your kids being allergic to strawberries, rather than each of them having individual food allergies. My son is allergic to a certain minor cold virus. Since he was two, he breaks out in hives right after having a minor cold each year in the winter/spring. Each allergic reaction gets worse than the previous one. My daughter is very allergic to all kinds of insects bites and my other son is very allergic to all antibiotics. None of them share the same allergen though, just the propensity to be allergic! I think you might have something else going on, but who knows. :grouphug:

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When we were little (under 6), my sister and I broke out in hives at the same time. My mom blames the new brand of spaghetti sauce she'd fed us that night. I suppose it is possible, but I suspect it was actually a virus. While others might not develop hives after infection with the same virus, it isn't unreasonable to suggest that siblings' immune systems might respond similarly to a virus....

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Some plants can cause hives. Morning is mildly poisonous and my daughter got hives from messing with it a few days ago. Could it be something like that?



The teen spent a good part of the day Saturday cutting shrubs and moving branches etc. The little one did "help" lol so it could be plant related. The only thing that makes me doubt this is that the other kids, my DH and I all worked too and no one else but these two have hives.

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