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In SOTW2 and thinking about TOG next year...


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We are currently on lesson 25 in SOTW2. We'll finish this book most likely in Dec. I'm trying to figure out what to do after that. I really like SOTW and have Vol. 3, so will most likely use that somehow...


I'm toying with TOG. The reason is two-fold... one, I would like more Christian content in our history. We used MOH, but Vol.2 was just too much for my little ones. (My older 2 did just fine). SOTW has been great, the kids love it and so do I. I'm thinking though as my oldest ds approaches Logic stage that I need "more" for him. (He LOVES history and already could use "more", I'm just resisting adding "more" for ME at this point! :001_huh:)


I'm hesitant on a few levels...


1. History is easy for us to do and enjoyable. Will TOG complicate things? Is it "more" than what I really need? I'm planning on using SWB's recommendations for writing with my logic kids. Will TOG help in this goal? Is the writing component compatible with SWB's methods? For literature right now we use SOTW reading suggestions from the AG. I'm guessing that would be replaced by TOG suggestions. Can I reiterate that I am a simple, simple person? If it's not SIMPLE it won't get done! My fascination with WTM is that it's SIMPLE!


2. Is it easy enough to use SOTW as a spine with TOG? My kids love it and I know we want to finish the series. Also... what level of TOG would you suggest having finished SOTW2? We seem to be toward the end of Year 2 and not quite to Year 3 if I look at the dates. I would only want to purchase one level. Would it be better to get into SOTW3 first to catch up to the 1800's where Year 3 starts?


3. I'm very interested in TOG for the Dialectic and Rhetoric levels. Would I be better off waiting until our next round of history to start? My oldest ds would then be 6th grade level. Is there any disadvantage to my ds not having done TOG and then jumping into the Dialectic level?


4. I'm also contemplating format. How many of you do the digital only? That, of course, is attractive because of the price... but, it's not resalable. But, considering we'd use this for many years to come I'm guessing anything I would buy in print would be outdated and revised by the time I'd want to sell it anyway.... that is, if we like it! If we don't like it we're out A LOT of money!!


Thanks for any help you can give me. I looked up TOG threads and need to keep searching... there are so many that come up, but sometimes the info I'm looking for is buried pretty deep in threads! :001_smile:

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I'm toying with TOG. The reason is two-fold... one, I would like more Christian content in our history. We used MOH, but Vol.2 was just too much for my little ones. (My older 2 did just fine). SOTW has been great, the kids love it and so do I. I'm thinking though as my oldest ds approaches Logic stage that I need "more" for him. (He LOVES history and already could use "more", I'm just resisting adding "more" for ME at this point! :001_huh:) If you really want more Christian content then SOTW might not work but SOTW 3 and especially 4 really are are step up and I think 4 as written would be great for most 5th or 6th graders.


When my older kids need more, instead of changing a curriculum that is working for our family and the other 2 kids, what I do is up the amount of writing, or reading, or research the oldest has to do and occasionally add some teaching (having him show the youngers about something cool that has caught his fancy). Adding a paper every week or month is an easy way to add more to SOTW, and he would get to study something in more depth.


I also seems like you are moving really quickly through SOTW, maybe you could slow down and streach out those topics.



But I haven't used TOG so I can't really help with your other questions.













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I'm toying with TOG. The reason is two-fold... one, I would like more Christian content in our history. We used MOH, but Vol.2 was just too much for my little ones. (My older 2 did just fine). SOTW has been great, the kids love it and so do I. I'm thinking though as my oldest ds approaches Logic stage that I need "more" for him. (He LOVES history and already could use "more", I'm just resisting adding "more" for ME at this point! :001_huh:) If you really want more Christian content then SOTW might not work but SOTW 3 and especially 4 really are are step up and I think 4 as written would be great for most 5th or 6th graders.


When my older kids need more, instead of changing a curriculum that is working for our family and the other 2 kids, what I do is up the amount of writing, or reading, or research the oldest has to do and occasionally add some teaching (having him show the youngers about something cool that has caught his fancy). Adding a paper every week or month is an easy way to add more to SOTW, and he would get to study something in more depth.


I also seems like you are moving really quickly through SOTW, maybe you could slow down and streach out those topics.



But I haven't used TOG so I can't really help with your other questions.







Just to clarify, we started SOTW2 1/2 way through last year so I don't think we're moving through at an unusually fast pace. We're on week 25, but we didn't start week 1 this month! :D We are spending about a year in each book. I think that's pretty normal, isn't it?:confused:

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I believe that SOTW is scheduled as an alternative resource in TOG (I've looked at a few times ;)). I've always waited to get TOG because of the price and because SOTW is just so easy to do and it seems to me that TOG would complicate it, but then again my dd isn't in the logic stage yet.

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Just to clarify, we started SOTW2 1/2 way through last year so I don't think we're moving through at an unusually fast pace. We're on week 25, but we didn't start week 1 this month! :D We are spending about a year in each book. I think that's pretty normal, isn't it?:confused:


We have about 9 weeks of school planned between here and the end of Dec. and doing 17 chapters of SOTW in that time is almost 2x as fast as we go. Of course if it is working for you, don't slow down on my account ;)


I was just mentioning if SOTW is too simple then digging deeper (and writing and reading more) on the topics it covers can be a way to make it "harder" and still keep the simplicity that has been working for you.

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We have about 9 weeks of school planned between here and the end of Dec. and doing 17 chapters of SOTW in that time is almost 2x as fast as we go. Of course if it is working for you, don't slow down on my account ;)


I was just mentioning if SOTW is too simple then digging deeper (and writing and reading more) on the topics it covers can be a way to make it "harder" and still keep the simplicity that has been working for you.


Yes, I see what you're saying! I think we will slow down as we get into US history. I want to spend some time there. I think because this is our first time through I'm not afraid to give it a "light" go around. My kids are so young that the younger two probably won't even remember much of what we're doing now! I plan on slowing down more the older the kids get... thanks for the input! I certainly think that option work and may be ultimately what I go with! :D

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TOG might do what you want, and it might not. A lot comes down to how you use it.


There are threads about what to focus on each week. If you pay attention to those and talk about those with your kids, as well as read the focus found in the student pages to your younger kids, then yes it will do as you want.


But if you are already crazy busy and really don't want to deal with the choosing parts of TOG, then it might just go by the road side in favor of that which is easy and gets done, KWIM?


If I remember right even the UG stuff uses Trial and Triumph for the worldview readings on the church and church figures. I personally don't find it that much more approachable than MOH. I still read it to the kiddos anyway, but it is not necessarily easier to understand and the readings get quite long at times. That is why I think you summarizing the big picture for your younger kids would be needed, which is going to be another layer of work for you.



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TOG might do what you want, and it might not. A lot comes down to how you use it.


There are threads about what to focus on each week. If you pay attention to those and talk about those with your kids, as well as read the focus found in the student pages to your younger kids, then yes it will do as you want.


But if you are already crazy busy and really don't want to deal with the choosing parts of TOG, then it might just go by the road side in favor of that which is easy and gets done, KWIM?


If I remember right even the UG stuff uses Trial and Triumph for the worldview readings on the church and church figures. I personally don't find it that much more approachable than MOH. I still read it to the kiddos anyway, but it is not necessarily easier to understand and the readings get quite long at times. That is why I think you summarizing the big picture for your younger kids would be needed, which is going to be another layer of work for you.




Thanks Heather! This is exactly my concern. I don't need any more work added! I'm thinking I may want to hold off and find something from a Christian perspective to supplement. Then, once the youngest is old enough, maybe then try TOG...

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This may or may not help you so take it for what it's worth. Veritas Press comes at history with a strong Biblical perspective. Depending upon the era studied there is a lot of Bible or at least an application of Biblical principles to what is being studied.


It's a chunk of $$ but they have a VERY FUN Online Self Paced history course for 2nd - 6th graders. No work for you and very interactive for the history loving son :D. You can, right now, sign up to try your on-line course of choice for 30 days!! We are enjoying it immensely. If you decide to pursue it then you'd want to purchase the history cards and perhaps the historical literature set that coordinates (this is optional, however). The historical literature is divided into two levels (2nd/3rd and 4th-6th I think). It adds a lot for the child.


Anyway, here's a link to what I'm talking about. Perhaps you can fulfill the need of your history lover while adding nothing to your work load!! :D



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This may or may not help you so take it for what it's worth. Veritas Press comes at history with a strong Biblical perspective. Depending upon the era studied there is a lot of Bible or at least an application of Biblical principles to what is being studied.


It's a chunk of $$ but they have a VERY FUN Online Self Paced history course for 2nd - 6th graders. No work for you and very interactive for the history loving son :D. You can, right now, sign up to try your on-line course of choice for 30 days!! We are enjoying it immensely. If you decide to pursue it then you'd want to purchase the history cards and perhaps the historical literature set that coordinates (this is optional, however). The historical literature is divided into two levels (2nd/3rd and 4th-6th I think). It adds a lot for the child.


Anyway, here's a link to what I'm talking about. Perhaps you can fulfill the need of your history lover while adding nothing to your work load!! :D




Thanks Katrina! I will certainly look further into this! This may be exactly what I'm looking for! I appreciate your input!

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I've been looking at TOG (my friend lent me her copy to peruse) and I'm really liking what I see... still not sure if I'll dive in this next year or wait, but can someone clarify for me....


If we just finished with SOTW2... where in the TOG cycle would I pick it up? I need to make sure I'm purchasing only what I need. I'm figuring we'd be somewhere toward the end of Year 2? I'm looking for a unit number though. Most likely what I would do is purchase only what I need of Y2 and then the entire Y3....

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I know you specifically asked about TOG, but have you looked at TruthQuest? It definitely adds the Biblical aspect AND it schedules SOTW and many other wonderful "spines." The younger children could JUST do SOTW and the olders could use SOTW with TruthQuest.

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I know you specifically asked about TOG, but have you looked at TruthQuest? It definitely adds the Biblical aspect AND it schedules SOTW and many other wonderful "spines." The younger children could JUST do SOTW and the olders could use SOTW with TruthQuest.

I do love TQ.


TQ has commentary from a Biblical perspective and offers a choice of either spine texts or individual books on topics.


It doesn't have weekly projects (though once in a while it does offer craft book recommendations), it doesn't have weekly literature (though again it does have occasional recommendations), nor does it have mapping. The timeline figure part is easy to do with TQ though.


I also use the vocab in TOG.


TQ was great, but I had to pull too much together myself. TOG is just easier for me to use. That said, I still use TQ once in a while when I don't like the TOG book, TQ has a lot more choices than TOG generally does.


If you wouldn't use those pieces in TOG then TQ would be the better fit, and a lot cheaper.



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I have looked a bit at TQ. It does look good. One of the major things that's drawing me to TOG is the literature and history discussions. I don't have time to read every single book I assign my kids for lit. So... it would be great to have those aids so I can have meaningful discussions with my kids. I like the teacher notes a lot. Also, the older they get, the more I think I would follow the writing recommendations.


One thing I am a bit concerned about with the lit is the narrow choices. Right now for lit I choose from the great book lists in SOTW. I love that she gives many choices. I can always find something for everyone. With TOG it seems there is one specific book per week (or how ever many days it takes to complete it). If someone doesn't like it I would have no options for a meaningful discussion unless I chose a book on my own and came up with the discussion myself. (not going to happen!)


I think TQ could be a good option if I decide TOG would just be more than I need right now (which may certainly be the case). I may wait on TOG until my eldest is 6/7th grade.


Thanks for the suggestion! I will look again at TQ!


Heather, thanks for your very informative posts, once again! I enjoy reading your feedback and opinions. Thanks also for your post on Apologia and AIG over on the science thread! These two areas are hot spots for me right now!

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To answer your question, if you finish SOTW 2, you will be in the middle of TOG Year 2. TOG Year 2 schedules SOTW 2 and SOTW 3 (begins near end of unit 2).


BTW, I find TOG *very* easy to use. It's not "open and go" but it really doesn't take much planning at all if you get into a rhythm of how you'd like your days/weeks to flow. Once you do that, it's just a matter of breaking up the readings into manageable chunks, making copies, and reading teacher's notes.


I use TOG 2 with ds13, dd11, dd7. My 13yo and 11yo work at the dialectic level and dd7 uses LG along with SOTW.


I have a blog post regarding how we use TOG if you are interested. Just scan down a few posts from the top and you will see it.



Edited by cupajoe
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To answer your question, if you finish SOTW 2, you will be in the middle of TOG Year 2. TOG Year 2 schedules SOTW 2 and SOTW 3 (begins near end of unit 2).


BTW, I find TOG *very* easy to use. It's not "open and go" but it really doesn't take much planning at all if you get into a rhythm of how you'd like your days/weeks to flow. Once you do that, it's just a matter of breaking up the readings into manageable chunks, making copies, and reading teacher's notes.


I use TOG 2 with ds13, dd11, dd7. My 13yo and 11yo work at the dialectic level and dd7 uses LG along with SOTW.


I have a blog post regarding how we use TOG if you are interested. Just scan down a few posts from the top and you will see it.




Thank you!! I am off to your blog! I'm very curious how different people are using TOG... one thing about such an extensive curriculum is there are just so many ways to implement it. Sometimes good, sometimes overwhelming... I'm enjoying seeing people's different ideas.

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Thank you!! I am off to your blog! I'm very curious how different people are using TOG... one thing about such an extensive curriculum is there are just so many ways to implement it. Sometimes good, sometimes overwhelming... I'm enjoying seeing people's different ideas.


You see I make it a lot of work for myself, but I know exactly what I want it to do. I started with SL and still prefer a daily schedule, so I make one. I also have to print maps, gather and print timeline figures, and prep vocab cards. It isn't that it takes that long, I can prep a whole quarter in less than two weeks, and that is being very detailed about everything, making sure it is just so. When I finally do it it is open and go. But for the way I use TOG I do a lot of prep.


But I enjoy the planning. Right now I am in unit 3 of year 4. I have all of year 4 laid out book wise, I just need to do maps, timeline figures and vocab. I also have the history portion of Year 1 unit 1 laid out, but I still need to go through the literature and decide which books to use from which levels. Though with it being year 1 it probably won't have the content issues of year 4, so it will be pretty cut and dry.



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I've been looking at TOG (my friend lent me her copy to peruse) and I'm really liking what I see... still not sure if I'll dive in this next year or wait, but can someone clarify for me....


If we just finished with SOTW2... where in the TOG cycle would I pick it up? I need to make sure I'm purchasing only what I need. I'm figuring we'd be somewhere toward the end of Year 2? I'm looking for a unit number though. Most likely what I would do is purchase only what I need of Y2 and then the entire Y3....


Specifically, year 2, unit 3. That is where we just started. Loving it. :)

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I also have to print maps, gather and print timeline figures, and prep vocab cards.



Yes, I definitely have to print maps from MapAids.


For timeline figures, I use the ones the ladies from the TOG Year 2 Yahoo group have compiled and so generously shared....ready to use in one nice, neat file, ready for me to print!


For vocabulary, my kiddos use the TOG Year 2 vocabulary on Quizlet.com. Again, someone has already done the work for me! Plus, my dc much prefer to study vocab that way. They can use either online flashcards or play games with the vocab words. It's never drudgery when they can play games and learn at the same time!


One of the best things about TOG is its versatility. It's all about finding how TOG best works for your particular family.

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