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Let's chat about blogging!

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Let's chat about blogs! :D


What do you like to blog about? What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


What types of blogs do you like to read? What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly? Please share links!

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What do you like to blog about?


I like to blog about homeschooling and handcrafts.


What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


It takes care of the need to write and share my ideas. Sometimes, I get busy and/or don't have ideas. But having regular posts like: weekly reporter,

nature studies and other things like that help.


What types of blogs do you like to read?


Mainly Waldorf homeschooling and crafting with kids types of blogs. I really like pictures as I am a very visual person. And tutorials are great.


What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


When it is nothing but long dull paragraphs about various things that have been beaten to death.


Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly?


Yes, I have some that I visit quite a bit. My favorites are:


The Magic Onion Lots of neat ideas and Friday's nature table is great.


Our Little Nature Nest Very Waldorf homeschool blog with lots of great pictures and ideas. I've modeled our third grade year on much of her posts.


Wee Folk Art Lots of great craft ideas and tutorials. Waldorf flavor but beautiful stuff.


I have others but I get very excited about new posts on these.:001_smile:

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I have two. Both are linked in my signature.


I like the school blog so the interested family can check out what we are up to in school. I try, but this week the exhaustion was overwhelming. And had been for 6 months. So it fell by the wayside a lot.


The other is my insomnia blog. I find that it really helps to talk about nothing. I've sleep onset insomnia so processing things in writing is helping with that.


I do enjoy starting on my page and reading the WTM webriing. I tend to do that during down time on weekends. Some I like better than others but they are all great.


The thing I find the most challenging is posting to the school blog. I'm not a writer by nature and I hate journaling. My vocabulary could be better. I write like I speak.

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Let's chat about blogs! :D


What do you like to blog about? What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


I blog about out homeschooling.

I enjoying getting my thoughts out there and sharing the things we've done. It's rewarding to be able to show the world the awesome things we're learning! The link is in my siggy. ;)


What types of blogs do you like to read? What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


I like to read homeschooling blogs, parenting blogs, bargain hunting/couponing blogs.

I really dislike seeing a lot of clutter on a blog, stuff that makes it difficult to read.

Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly? Please share links!


I follow quite a few people here but don't have links handy as I'm at work.

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What do you like to blog about?


Anything! If it pops into my head, I consider it fair game. My favorites are sharing the milestones, no matter how tiny, that we reach around here.


What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


Finding the right words. I love to overthink things.


What types of blogs do you like to read?


Humorous ones, usually, but definitely ones that revolve around real life. I like feeling true emotion attached to the writing, not just blogging for the sake of blogging.


What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


Every last tidbit of space being used for something. There's a lot to be said for negative space. Sometimes weekly features bug me if they get a 'forced' quality about them, like the blogger does it because it's a habit rather than because they want to.


Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly?


Oh holy cow... several. They're on my blog list... on my blog lol. I need to go tuck the kids in or I'd link a few. :)

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What do you like to blog about?

I blog about everything. It's an eclectic blog...no specific focus (which according to the blog world makes it a failure LOL) I focus mainly on food, homeschooling, digital scrapping and our general life.


What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?

Challenging? having it not take so long. Being consistent

Rewarding? Having a record of our life


What types of blogs do you like to read?

I love a variety of blogs. My google reader is stuffed full of blogs on a hundred different topics.


What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?

Huge amounts of advertising. I get that some are monetized and it's how people make their money, but when ads take over blog space, and every post becomes an ad, I tend to unsubscribe.

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What do you like to blog about? What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


I like to blog about homeschooling and its challenges. I like to blog about things which seem to impact our day that aren't necessarily about homeschooling. And I like blogging about my attempt at a Well-Educated Mind.


What types of blogs do you like to read? What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


Primarily I look for blogs about homeschooling boys and high schoolers but I'm not limited to those alone. I found one blog about a homeschooling dad with younger children than mine that I find engaging and inspirational. I can't put a finger on why I dislike some blogs. It's seems to be a gut reaction. :confused:


Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly? Please share links!


I definitely follow all the blogs listed on my blog regularly. Every time I notice an update, I jump right over to see what's new. There is only one blog not listed that I follow religiously and I don't list it because the family prefers to keep their blog for family and friends only.


As a FYI, there is a new Yahoo Group that is just for homeschooling blogs. It sorts the links by ages, grades, homeschooing style, state, interests, etc.



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What do you like to blog about? What do you find most rewarding/challenging about blogging?


I blog about whatever strikes my fancy at any given time. The kids, life, schooling, crafting, the environment. I have no particular theme.


What types of blogs do you like to read? What things do you really dislike seeing on a blog?


I love blogs about schooling or crafting. Photography blogs can be fun and also blogs with tips on web design. I truly despise profanity on blogs.


Do you have any favourite blogs that you follow regularly? Please share links!


I read some of the blogs linked in signatures here as well as friends blogs.


I used to read Pioneer Woman.com a lot but it's become so busy there! I liked it better when it had a small town feel.


I also LOVE Knock Off Wood and have many plans in the works (that haven't gotten off the ground yet. LOL)

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