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Planning the last math course for senior year

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I'm re-thinking the plans for Ds#2's spring semester math course (he is a dual enrolled student). This fall he is taking trig at the local CC and doing well. In fact, he says it is easy. The plan was to have him take Calculus 1 in the spring. However some new developments are making me question whether this is a good idea. Here's the deal: The Calculus 1 at the CC does not transfer as Calculus 1 to the state university. It will only count as an elective. That's fine if it gives him a head start on the state university course. But the CC is a 45 minute drive and he will be taking other courses at our local university branch (7 minute drive). So...I'm not sure of the worth of having him taking 1 class at the CC.


Unfortunately our local university branch is only offering Calculus 1 (also does not transfer) as an online course. This won't work for Ds. He said he would prefer sitting in class with a live instructor.


Neither institution offers Business Calculus in the spring. Ds is looking at a business degree which only requires Business Calculus but, obviously, the engineering track calculus will substitute.


Should we plan to continue with calculus (and the drive for 1 class) or should we look into taking a statistics course which will be required anyways for the business degree? Or he could take an accounting course? And then we would just have him take the business calculus at the university.


He's a great math student so he should do well in whatever math we choose - I'm just wondering which would look best when applying to a business college and for scholarship competition.

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I fourth the statistics route. No since taking the Calculus class and then having to retake it.


This post is a good reminder to check with your college of choice as to whether they will honor community college class credit. We had a friend who took the class, then found out it didn't transfer and had to retake it at the U. An easy A, but still frustrating.

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