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Hey, I just saw the Painted Veil and Akeelah and the Bee.

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starring Naomi Watts and Ed Norton. I saw the preview yonks ago and didn't bother. I mean, most movies nowadays stink so I don't bother unless it is action (and then only rarely on PPV).


Wow, I was really impressed that I am actually recommending this movie to you all. I think it might be counted as an all-time favorite along with Out of Africa and Empire of the Sun.


I don't particularly like Ed Norton (Fight Club, ugh) and could never understand why anyone did or think of him as a love interest but, surprisingly, he was appealing in this movie.


I thought Akeelah and the Bee would be preachy but I liked it, too.

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Blech! I didn't care for The Painted Veil. I love Edward Norton as an actor. Naomi Watts is not a favorite of mine, but she's OK. But that movie...I don't know. It just didn't do it for me.


Akeelah and the Bee was OK.


I did see Miss Potter last night. Yeah, didn't like that one either. I'm ducking because I think I might be the only one on this board who didn't care for it! I'm surprised I even finished it, actually.

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I did see Miss Potter last night. Yeah, didn't like that one either. I'm ducking because I think I might be the only one on this board who didn't care for it! I'm surprised I even finished it, actually.

With Renee What's-her-name? Ick. I can't get through any of her movies.

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Yes, that's exactly why I didn't care for the movie. She was just too difficult to watch. Her facial expressions drive me batty. However, the one movie I thought she was bearable to watch was Bridget Jones' Diary (the first one). Oh, and Down with Love was cute too. But I watched both of those before she drive me so crazy, so maybe if I saw those again I wouldn't be able to stomach them now. Who knows?


Glad to know I'm in good company.

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I love The Painted Veil. (Actually, dh bought it for me on dvd because I loved it so much & I never buy dvds or watch them at home, really. The last dvd I got was years ago.) I saw it in the theater last year more than once & know I raved here about it too, lol. Seeing it on the big screen was just lovely too -- the scenery in China was just breathtaking.


I loved the story between the 2 characters & all the emotions they go through: love, hate, spite, determination, and so on. There are so many levels to the story too -- the relationship between the characters, the relationship between ruling empires in foreign lands, is bringing 'civilization' or 'religion' to other areas of the world the right thing to do?, and so on. So many nuances. I think the Edward Norton & Naomi Watts did an incredible job; Toby Jones was great (and an astute observer) too.


I really had to wonder why it didn't get Oscar nods & was so disappointed that it didn't.


A friend (who saw it w/ me one time) went on to read the story on which it is based. She said the book is quite different, but very well-written & worth reading. So, I do hope to get around to doing that one day.

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Is it like the English Patient (I did like that one) or The Notebook (haven't seen it but looked too sappy)?


Gee, I must be tired! It's actually "A Good Woman". Helen Hunt and Scarlett Johanssen are in it. It's not "Out of Africa" league, but pretty good if you like historical pieces. Have you seen "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" with Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) - wow...

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I loved English Patient

I loved it, too, but I saw it with my sister and she HATED it!

She was rocking back-and-forth in her chair, tapping her foot, sighing, and doing every thing she could to make it known that she couldn't wait to get out of the theater. For, what? Two and a half hours?

Ugh! LOL!

I should rent it one of these days and watch it in peace.

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Is it like the English Patient (I did like that one) or The Notebook (haven't seen it but looked too sappy)?


I didn't like the English Patient. I read the book first & really didn't like it. Then, I went to the movie, just to see if it improved, lol. The movie was visually stunning (just beautiful to look at), but I still didn't like the story or the characters. Never saw The Notebook (I'm not usually into sappy stories or I'd be bawling for awhile & that always gives me a headache, lol).


Do try The Painted Veil. It's really just great (imho). ;)

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Adding the Painted Veil to my Netfilix list. I actually LOVED "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" more for how beautifully it was done than for the content - liked the book better content-wise. But, still a beautiful movie, imo.


Has anyone seen Pan's Labyriinth? I just finished it and am not sure what I think. It was visually riveting and while I "got" the whole allegory of the story, I"m not sure it worked for me. I need a day or two to digest it, but would love to hear other's thoughts. (We're always so behind the times with movies.)

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Adding the Painted Veil to my Netfilix list. I actually LOVED "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" more for how beautifully it was done than for the content - liked the book better content-wise. But, still a beautiful movie, imo.


Has anyone seen Pan's Labyriinth? I just finished it and am not sure what I think. It was visually riveting and while I "got" the whole allegory of the story, I"m not sure it worked for me. I need a day or two to digest it, but would love to hear other's thoughts. (We're always so behind the times with movies.)


that The Painted Veil has some tough moments in it. I don't want to give it away but just be forewarned. It isn't some kissy face love story.


I only saw parts of Pan's Labyrinth. Dh, who HATES foreign movies, especially ones that you have to read, liked it. That was a big wow for me. :tongue_smilie: I was more impressed with that than the actual movie.

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Thanks for the warning.


LOL on Pan's Labyrinth. My film-making son was enthralled and read the whole movie. Go figure. I hunt him down daily to see if he's been reading. He watched this film twice and had all kinds of analogies that made me crazy. The analogies were great, but WHY can't that apply to the rest of his work? Although I guess something is sinking in if he's getting the analogies. Right?

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Oh, see, now Pan's Labyrinth I really liked. I mean, it was weird, yes, but it was so unusual and as you said, visually appealing. It was an intriguing story.


The other day I had a ginger root out on the counter. Now remember, I'm very pregnant. So dh comes into the kitchen and makes some comment about am I needing that ginger root for the baby or my own health like in Pans Labyrinth? LOL! I had completely forgotten that but now I can't look at that ginger root the same!

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Oh, see, now Pan's Labyrinth I really liked. I mean, it was weird, yes, but it was so unusual and as you said, visually appealing. It was an intriguing story.


The other day I had a ginger root out on the counter. Now remember, I'm very pregnant. So dh comes into the kitchen and makes some comment about am I needing that ginger root for the baby or my own health like in Pans Labyrinth? LOL! I had completely forgotten that but now I can't look at that ginger root the same!


I loved Pan's Labyrinth!! I love the director (have listened to a number of interviews with him). I also liked the English Patient (bk even better), also enjoyed Girl with the Pearl Earring and Painted Veil. I just watched Michael Clayton (totally different type of movie) but it was awesome! The cast, the script, the whole package was just amazing.

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I just watched Michael Clayton (totally different type of movie) but it was awesome! The cast, the script, the whole package was just amazing.


That looked like a depressing, upsetting movie. I figure I can just watch the news if I want to experience those kinds of emotions.:tongue_smilie:

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I just watched Michael Clayton (totally different type of movie) but it was awesome! The cast, the script, the whole package was just amazing.


I agree. Great movie & not your typical movie-theater fare, so it was a nice change of pace. Definitely well-done -- dh & I both liked it.

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