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Advanced French?


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My dd13 is in 8th grade this year. Until now, most of her core subjects were done in French in a French PS. Now she is home, and we are wanting to continue her learning. I am having a heck of a time finding any curriculum that would be at her level. I've no concerns about other subjects but would like to continue her French Language Arts. The few curricula I have found is French as a second language. She has been schooled in French since Preschool. So I need something more challenging.


Any suggestions?

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Well, I don't know how well it would work but when DD is old enough, I plan on teaching a French literature course. It sounds like your daughter is fairly fluent, does she really need something to teach her French?

Do you speak/read any French? What I'm envisioning for my daughter at that age is reading novels in French, writing some papers in French, finding some people to talk to, etc. Just everyday things to keep up the fluency (and continue to learn new vocabulary) as opposed to actually learning it as a language.

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