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AAS users...A question....

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Good afternoon, ladies,


One of the ladies in my support group(Hi, Jetta!!!) sent me an e-mail this morning and asked if I had ever heard of "All About Spelling". I said, no, but that I knew who would! (That's you guys......:001_smile:)


Anyway, I searched this program today and it looks very interesting.....


But here is what I want to know....From the people who are actually using it.......


1)Is it really as easy to use as people say??


2)Do the spelling skills/rules really "stick" with this program??




Any other comments that you want to share......


Blessings to all of you,


(Got to go watch oldest ds dissect a worm.....Will check back later....:w00t:)



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I only started it a few months ago for my first grader who is NOT the natural speller his older sibs are. I used SWO for them, with fine results. But, they already know how to spell LOL! So far, it has worked well. When I dictate words to him, he usually knows how to spell them, but when he doesn't, I remind him of the rule, and he knows how to spell it. so, limited smaple thus far here but I am pleased. It is far far better for him than SWO.

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My perspective may be a bit different from others using this program because we are using it remedially with an older child.


Yes, it is easy to use. Yes, the rules stick IF (yes, this is a big if :)) you review regularly. There is review built into the program, but you have to use it.


If you are willing to put the time into the program (and it really only takes 15 minutes or so a day), you will see results. This is the only program my dd has had success with. I do sometimes have to remind her of a rule or sound, but the gains she has made are tremendous.


Some children are natural spellers and if you have one who is this (or any program in my opinion) is not necessary.


This has been our experience with the program. Also, the author of the program is very helpful. If you have any questions, email her and she will help anyway she can.



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ds 8 is not a natural speller; ds 5 seems like he will be.


Ds 8 is mid-way through level 2; ds 5 is finishing level 1.


I spend about 10 minutes a day on spelling. AAS is very easy to use, and has worked very well for both of them.


I use the sentences for dictation / copy work for my ds 8 as well, and although they are somewhat uninspired from a literary perspective, doing so does provide him with additional practice writing his spelling words.

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I am using AAS with twin 2nd graders and a 1st grader. It really is so easy to use and my kids enjoy doing spelling. I think it helps that it's not all writing and very short lessons (10-15mins). And they enjoy doing the reviews. I think they really like knowing all the answers and reminding themselves of how much they know.


We don't really have a weekly routine but I do find that we split up each lesson into two days. And if I think one of them needs more review time we just spend a lesson time doing review and dictation of words/phrases/sentences. I inserted some grammar review when we were learning about sentences..."is that a sentence or a phrase?", "What kind of sentence is that?", etc.


It really is a wonderful program! And I recommend, as did others, getting the magnets and something to keep the tiles on. I just got some and they are such a help. Take care!

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This sounds like a wonderful program. I hope my friend, (Hi, Jetta!:D) will jump in here if she has any other questions.


This is one of the few spelling programs where I have seen folks say, "It's fun." and "It works". I might see one or the other of those statements but never BOTH at the same time. (And I've been on these boards a LONG time)


AND I have YET to see anyone say, "It did not work for my family." I may have missed it, or it wasn't posted, but so far I did not see it.


Thank you too, for taking your precious time to answer for us.





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We are almost finished with Level 1 and will be starting 2 soon.


We switched from SWO and I am glad we did.


DS7 is retaining the rules and I have seen improvement. I like that it appeals to hands-on AND visual learners. It is very easy to teach as everything is laid out for you. We usually split each lesson up into 2 days and I don't have him spell with the tiles anymore unless I feel he *needs* to "see/feel" the rule. However, I do still use the tiles to teach the rules. Make sense?


The only tip I have is to put magnets on the tiles and keep them "set up" on a cookie sheet or something. Easier to store and your dc won't tire of putting them in ABC order everyday! Although the practice of that is good once in awhile. Oh, and I had all of my cards laminated so they would be sure to last for the next kiddo...course that meant I had to cut everything twice! :eek:

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