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Vegans ...


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When your dad agrees to watch your kids for four days so you and your husband can take a trip to Nashville for your anniversary (and, coincidentally, to see the Pixies, the best band EVAH and the only band you and your husband have neither seen, and the Pixies are playing at the Ryman Auditorium, which is where you and said husband got engaged, and did I mention that you and your husband both LA LA LOVE the Pixies?), and then he requests that you buy a gallon of cow milk to keep in the fridge for him because he won't drink almond milk, do you get a little miffed?


Ftr, I bought the cow milk and it's currently residing in my fridge, and I really, really, really appreciate my dad watching the kids, but ... ewwwwww ... cow milk in my fridge!!



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I'm not vegan, but it sounds like you might be one for philosophical reasons if it's bothering you to have it there. I think it is kind of you to buy it for him. He is doing you a huge favor, so hopefully, you can get past it.


I am off of dairy because I found out I'm allergic, but I still buy it for my family.

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Not being a vegan, my initial thoughts are 'No', it wouldn't bother me, especially since your dad is kind enough to watch your kids ;) But.....since our household is gluten free, and if I was asked to stock my house with gluten food----then I guess I would cringe! As long as your dad is not feeding your kids the yucky milk (ya, no milk here either), then my advice is just take a deep cleansing breath and be thankful :001_smile: And enjoy your trip!!

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so I don't have a problem with cow's milk or meat in my fridge.


I host dinner parties with other couples and I serve meat and ice cream. I provide ash trays for the smokers (outside) and beer although I don't partake in either.


My "veganism" (??) is not mainstream (like my homeschooling) and I want people to feel comfortable in my home, so I accommodate them and their evil, carnivorous, blood-thirsty appetites.....;)



(who thinks her portabella mushrooms tastes extra delicious when grilled next to a steak!)

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