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Tell me about low thyroid

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I'm thinking I need to have my thyroid tested. My mom and sister both have low thyroid and I have some of the symptoms but not all of them. I know many hormone tests have to be done on certain cycle days; is that how a thyroid test works? I'm currently not cycling due to breastfeeding (my favorite part of breastfeeding!!). If I do get it tested, what should my number be? Where do I go for good information about thyroid levels?

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I'm thinking I need to have my thyroid tested. My mom and sister both have low thyroid and I have some of the symptoms but not all of them. I know many hormone tests have to be done on certain cycle days; is that how a thyroid test works? I'm currently not cycling due to breastfeeding (my favorite part of breastfeeding!!). If I do get it tested, what should my number be? Where do I go for good information about thyroid levels?


It doesn't matter what day of your cycle it is to test. It is best to go in fasting though, like you would a cholesterol test.


New standards (which not all offices follow) say your THS range should be between .3 and 3.0 - but not all people are the same so you really have to experiment with different doses to get to the place that YOU feel the best. If I get to 3.0 I am absolutely exhausted, gaining weight by the minute, my hair is falling out, and my nails are peeling away. Old standards suggested a level of .5 to 5.0, I think.


When I was at 6 point something when I first was diagnosed, I was a zombie - most of the time just nursing my 6 week old baby was the most I could do in one day. No getting dressed, no chores getting done, the house was a disaster, laundry was piled everywhere, my kitchen was overrun by dirty dishes, and my sweet dh was working 80 hours a week and still trying to do everything I couldn't. :) I thought it was just having had a baby, but after I was put on medicine it was amazing the difference I felt. One thing that did clue me in that something else was going on was that I was gaining weight after giving birth instead of losing! :glare:


:grouphug: The best thing you can do is to find a good doctor who will listen to how you feel and not only the numbers on the test.


ETA: I have had testing done while nursing, while pregnant, while cycling, and while not - makes absolutely no difference.

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It doesn't matter what day of your cycle it is to test. It is best to go in fasting though, like you would a cholesterol test.


New standards (which not all offices follow) say your THS range should be between .3 and 3.0 - but not all people are the same so you really have to experiment with different doses to get to the place that YOU feel the best. If I get to 3.0 I am absolutely exhausted, gaining weight by the minute, my hair is falling out, and my nails are peeling away. Old standards suggested a level of .5 to 5.0, I think.


When I was at 6 point something when I first was diagnosed, I was a zombie - most of the time just nursing my 6 week old baby was the most I could do in one day. No getting dressed, no chores getting done, the house was a disaster, laundry was piled everywhere, my kitchen was overrun by dirty dishes, and my sweet dh was working 80 hours a week and still trying to do everything I couldn't. :) I thought it was just having had a baby, but after I was put on medicine it was amazing the difference I felt. One thing that did clue me in that something else was going on was that I was gaining weight after giving birth instead of losing! :glare:


:grouphug: The best thing you can do is to find a good doctor who will listen to how you feel and not only the numbers on the test.


ETA: I have had testing done while nursing, while pregnant, while cycling, and while not - makes absolutely no difference.



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Mary Shomon's books and website are helpful. If they tell you your levels are fine but you still feel "off"' date=' I would wait 6 mos and get retested.[/b'] I felt awful for a year before I was diagnosed. You can get tested at any time.


Yes. In just 3 months time my thryroid test scores finally dropped into the low range.

Edited by mommyjen
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I've had my thryroid tested (T1) many times with no prob. found. It wasn't until I had a GOOD Dr. test for T1 AND T3, and T4 that we discovered the problem. My T1 was just fine, but the other two were low. I take a animal glandular (Armour) instead of the synthetic stuff.



That is my next question. What is the difference in types of medicine? My mom takes the $4 stuff from wal-mart but I've heard others say that Armour is better??

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I've been on 2 types of "natural"-- armor and a different brand that I'm blanking on-- and a couple different synthetics. I honestly can't tell any difference. There were some supply issues with rhe natural brands, and the synthetics where all I could get. So, I switched and haven't looked back. My current doctor prefers synthetics, since you can get different amounts easily, but she was willing to work with me on the naturals. I often had to cut my armor pills to vary the dosage... Which is inexact. And then we couldn't get them at all locally. I think a friend said the supply is now consistent, but they have further reduced the number of dosage increments you can get.


FWIW-- My symptoms came on soon after my 2nd child. I think that's pretty common.

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I've been hypothroid since age 11. I've always taken synthroid--generic, usually. I couldn't afford the more expensive natural stuff or even name brand, even if I saw a need, which I don't. Generic levothyroxine works fine for me.


I have had a few times I was off meds, and definitely saw a difference in energy level and weight retention. I went hyper after DD for a while which messed with my milk supply (I was overproducing which made it hard for DD to get the hindmilk) and wound up settled in on a lower dose than I took pre-kid. My doc checks monthly during pg and postpartum, and every six months to a year otherwise. You can expect to test every month to six weeks until your meds level things out.

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