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Furious--and don't know what to do. Son getting drug texts on MY phone

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry, Chris.


Yes, we sent one of ours down the road because of drug use. It didn't come as a surprise for her, so thankfully there was no drama. Just sadness. But she knows we love her, she's welcome to come visit anytime she wants, and we have great hope for her. There have been horribly long stretches when we don't know how to reach her or even find her, but safety and sanity for the family at home had to come first. We just hope it doesn't take long for her to hit rock bottom, so she can begin the process of healing. As hard as it was to turn her loose (or "throw her to the wolves"), we know it's the quickest way this one is going to turn around.


One thought: The rest of us went to a couple of sessions with a therapist, who helped with the guilty feelings I had, and to check on the little sister to make sure she understood and had the tools to deal with any anger.


Again, :grouphug: hugs and best wishes on these tough decisions.

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He's home, and we are going to talk tomorrow.

He has already admitted to getting high and drinking--several weeks ago, I found out and confronted him. Thought we'd take the soft road then and emphasize the relationship. He has fallen into the trap of thinking casual use is ok.


Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.

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My dh's brother was involved with drugs and alcohol for years (started at age 10) before his parents kicked him out when he was 20 or so. It was an agonizing decision, but he had started to steal from them and their neighbors to feed his habit, and they just couldn't support him anymore. He was homeless, sleeping in a park, and he got shot. His parents took him back in and cared for his medical needs, then said he could stay only if he got clean. He did, and he has been clean for nearly 25 years. Knowing him and his personality, I can only imagine what he'd be like if he hadn't gotten clean. I can't imagine having to face a decision like this, but it was the best thing for my brother-in-law, having to get to such a desperate place to realize what he needed to do to change.


So, I don't speak from experience, but from what I've observed, tougher is better.



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