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Math Question: To MUS or not?


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Our math journey has taken us through three different programs (so far): Abeka K4 (too easy), Horizons K (too little comprehension), to Math-U-See.

DD7 completed Alpha last year and really enjoyed it, and we have really liked it too. It seemed to really boost her comprehension and grasp of math. She can do pretty advanced things (for her age) in her head, and I give a lot of credit to the manipulatives. Ds4 also picked up a lot last year. We have him doing Alpha this year, and he is breezing through the lessons.

So, we are big fans of MUS.


HOWEVER (you knew this was coming), I have read a lot of threads where people had problems with MUS because either it didn't cover enough variety or didn't prepare for advanced math, etc.

I do think that MUS seems to be a little "behind," which is why we've started my K'er on Alpha. Also, we had dd7 work through Beta over the summer, and she will be completing that soon and starting on Gamma. Our goal is to finish gamma at the end of her second grade year.


So, what do you think? Should we stick with a program that is working for us, or will we have too many problems later? And if we do change, what should we consider?



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I think it really depends on the child. MUS worked great for my oldest because everything was broken down into mini-bites that she could comprehend and master before moving on to anything else. It was an amazing turnaround for her in math (started in middle school.)


For my littles, they seem to thrive with the spiral approach and we use ABeka. Of course, I print of math fact sheets because there is not much in the way of practice inside the regular book.


If it's working for you, stick with it. I *think* I remember hearing somewhere that MUS seems to start out "behind" but catches up later on.


All math programs seem to have their plusses and minuses. (LOL, I'm cracking myself up :D)

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

The elementary series isn't behind, the scope and sequence is different. The books also aren't meant for a specific grade. They are meant to be used when it's best for your child, which IMHO should be the case in every math program because all children are different. If it's working for your children and you like it I would stay with it. I've never heard anyone complain about it being "behind" until the high school years, when it would be easy to switch to something else if you want (it would be easy to switch from MUS to another math starting in Pre-Algebra because then the scope and sequence is traditional).


We've used MUS from Alpha through Algebra 1 (we're currently doing Algebra 2) and LOVE it!!! We didn't find MUS until our older children were in 5th/6th grade and took them all the way back to Alpha because their former curricula (Horizons and Saxon) had left many holes. I started them back in Alpha and let them go at their own pace. Now they are in 9th/10th grade and are both doing Algebra 2 (we're doing Algebra 2 then Geometry). We are supplementing with Life of Fred for additional practice and word problems. I use LoF about 1 year behind MUS so things are introduced/learned in MUS first and LoF extends/expands on what they have learned.

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We tried different math programs too. MUS has been the best fit for our two kids.


Our kids were both in public school and I know that they are learning more with MUS then they were in PS.


I have recommended MUS to many people. Only one lady said that she switched her kids away from MUS after they kept falling behind in the math tests (state tests).


I really think you need to use what works best for your kids.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
We tried different math programs too. MUS has been the best fit for our two kids.


Our kids were both in public school and I know that they are learning more with MUS then they were in PS.


I have recommended MUS to many people. Only one lady said that she switched her kids away from MUS after they kept falling behind in the math tests (state tests).


I really think you need to use what works best for your kids.

This is very common in elementary grades because MUS doesn't follow the scope and sequence that the state tests follow. Kid's using MUS will test well in areas that MUS has covered but won't in things MUS hasn't covered, which brings down the overall score.

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If it's not broke don't fix it!!!!! There are so many people who spend all or most of their homeshcool years searching for a math program that works, if you have one stick with it. The BEST program is the one that works for you AND that you get done. MUS seems to fit your needs. If your children understand and get it done they will be better off than if you switch to something else that they done understand and get done. Also it will take you awhile to figure out if something else is working and if its not they will have missed that time they could have been doing MUS.

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Go with what works! There are plenty of curricula that can bolster any weak areas they might have in the upper grades. I think having a good foundation early on (and having them enjoy math) gives them confidence and willingness to tackle more difficult concepts, which will go a LONG way.

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We used MUS from K through Algebra 1. You may read my review here. Imo, MUS is solid in the elementary years, but could use some supplementation with word problems (we used Singapore's CWP). I found MUS lacking in the high school years, and switched to a more rigorous series. Supplementing in the high school years, as Cheryl does with LoF, would be crucial for any student going into math/science/engineering, imo.


I really enjoyed MUS in the elementary years. We had no problems at all with testing, though we didn't have to start until around 5th grade.



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We used MUS from K through Algebra 1. You may read my review here. Imo, MUS is solid in the elementary years, but could use some supplementation with word problems (we used Singapore's CWP). I found MUS lacking in the high school years, and switched to a more rigorous series. Supplementing in the high school years, as Cheryl does with LoF, would be crucial for any student going into math/science/engineering, imo.


I really enjoyed MUS in the elementary years. We had no problems at all with testing, though we didn't have to start until around 5th grade.





I totally agree with Sue. I think MUS is fantastic in elementary for producing kids with a strong math understanding. It doesn't work for everyone - no one program will. But if it is working for you, I would stick with it.


We do supplement with LoF in older grades. Neither of my kids is interested in a math related field, but I still think this is important to make sure their math education is well rounded.

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