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Crosspost:Special Needs Board: Mental disabilities in Public School crisis


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I think this stinks. I knew when the rush to accountability was happening in the last 9 years, that this outcome may very well result. I agree that Algebra and Biology for mentally retarded is not a good idea unless those topics are one of the child's strengths. I can't see how this will work unless the teachers cheat. I hope you get a good resolution.

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I think it is just as disturbing as the fact that all students OVER 70 are required to do Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. Those standards are great for those who can attain them, but there is a whole level of students who will simply drop out because they can't reach them.


I am sorry for you and your ds - I hope that something is able to be salvaged out of the situation.

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Is this change something you can fight at the state level? It sounds like a byproduct of NCLB, and its requirement to have special needs children pass state tests at the same rate as regular ed children.


Have you contacted your statel level PTA? Fighting changes like this one should be right up their alley, especially their legislative chair.


Or do you have an advocacy group for special needs children? They might be willing to take on the state regarding these new requirements.


I am sorry this has happened to your family. I hope it can be reversed.

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