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Retention with FLL3


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How has retention been for those of you using FLL3? I'd like to use it with my son next year, but FLL 1&2 doesn't seem to be his best way to learn, despite how much I love it. (Also used it with his older sister, and at the end of the book, she hadn't really learned anything other that being able to chant the helping verb list). While I love the memorization of the definitions...they(the definitions) haven't stuck with either of them. I'm hoping FLL3 will be better because of the workbook. Any opinions?

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your post was getting buried so I thought I'd bump it up! :D I will say that we are using FLL3 as soon as my student workbook arrives from Amazon! As far as retention from FLL 1/2...it could be the age and learning style or both combined. :) My ds got very bored by the repetition in FLL 1 /2 and we quit after lesson 20 or so. I do use it occasionally for the narration exercises. I've heard that many dc didn't retain much from it. Some dc just aren't auditory learners. I will say that my ds9 (also NOT an auditory learner) does very well with GWG (a workbook approach like FLL3) and retains quite a bit. I'm hoping ds8 will do as well with FLL3. Hope you get more responses!

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and I agree with previous posters. Their retention is good with some prompting but they aren't going to be really good at remembering what an adjective is until they use it in the of their writing. We are really just teaching them the vocabulary of these subjects now so later they already know definition and can begin to work with them (grammar stage, logic stage).

FWIW - we really enjoyed FLL3! :)

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We jumped ship and skipped FLL3 last year. We did FLL for 1 and 2, did all the lessons. My dd loved it! Still quotes lots of the poems even today. We were using Horizons Phonics 1 with FLL 1 for gr. 1, and it got a bit much. We are now using GWG for 3rd, and she has no probs whatsoever knowing her parts of speech. I'm not sure what we are doing for 4th...she misses FLL, so we just might pick up FLL3 for kicks.



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My dd did GWG in first grade as well and didn't retain anything. She could do the pages easily, but wouldn't remember anything a week later. Now that she is almost 8 even without daily practice she is starting to remember grammar defintions. We are starting small and hoping to build on what she knows. I think for her maturity was a big factor.


I am thinking about using FLL3 with her next year so I can't help with the retention of FLL3 yet.



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(and maturity?) I noticed the OP was talking about her ds and I have three boys. GWG did not work for us, ds would skim the examples, blow through the worksheet and not have a clue what he just did. He loved it, because it wasn't work and got grammar over with for the day.


It would be interesting to see a thread of materials used for boys vs girls - is there a difference with the genders in what parents feel works for their child?


This is how it was for ds8 using GWG3. Retention was not good.

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(and maturity?) I noticed the OP was talking about her ds and I have three boys. >>


Yes, I was referring to my ds...but I did use FLL 1/2 with my now 10 year old daughter and she didn't learn anything from it ;-(

But then again, I can't really say that is FLL....we did R&S the next year, Bob Jones this year, and she still has no clue with a verb or adjective is(without me reminding her).

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