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Does anyone let their kids plan fun days into the year?


Something like crazy hair day or PJ day... Only unique?


Just trying to make this year a little more interesting, switch things up a bit.


Maybe have them each take a turn at teaching for a day????


My kids are 14, 12 and 11 years old.

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We sometimes go to the movies on Friday mornings to catch the first showing of a new release. It has to be something we're really excited about, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or other big movies.


I don't plan "fun days", I just occasionally decide to drop everything and go to lunch or to the zoo for the afternoon. And sometimes I let my kids come along:lol:

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I think sometimes we have too many fun days!


Till it turns cold and snowy we often do school 4 days a week and day 5 is for visiting museums (usually in New York City or sometimes Philadelphia).


We have cooking class.


We go out to lunch.


We go out to breakfast.


We stay in our pajamas all day.


We have snow days.


We start school late and go ice skating in the morning.

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My soon-to-be 9th grader and I were discussing his upcoming year when he requested that we do FUN things. Asked to explain he said: play board games and go skiing this winter. We'll get a 6x ski pass for a nearby hill and hit the slope on days when we want a break.

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As a pp said, we don't neccesarily plan it into our schedule, we do those things more on a whim. SOmetimes we just need a break, so we'll go somewhere and do something, or we'll read and relax all day....lots of possibilities! Ummmm, we OFTEN do pajama day (especially in winter)! :D Oh, and donut or icecream runs! :) (We don't eat many sweets at all in our house, so these are special!)


In the winter, when it snows, we'll take a snow day--play in the snow, have hot chocolate, snuggle up and read by the fireplace.....

Edited by Brindee
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