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If You Live Outside the U.S. ...

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and would love free shipping on books as well as fast service, you may already know about this site, but if you don't, visit bookdepository.com

We used to spend so much more on shipping at amazon. Of course, shipping with amazon within the U.S. is often free after purchasing a certain amount, but not outside the U.S.

This is why I love bookdepository.

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I love love love Book Depository! There is also www.bookdepository.co.uk although the .com version usually works out marginally cheaper. Here in Australia I actually find it cheaper to buy from Book Depository than to buy from a local bookstore. Crazy.


I also love that the books come individually - big parcels sometimes require me to go to the post office to collect, but the individual books usually fit into the post box outside the house.

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