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Horrible Histories users, please help


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Hi there,


I'd like to start my 8.5 yo ds on ancient history and recently read about Horrible Histories and borrowed from a friend who has a copy of Groovy Greeks and Rotten Romans. We all enjoy the clever comics and even I enjoy the stories and we're all learning a lot from what we have read so far. My son read some on his own (he's an avid and advanced reader for his age), but complained tonight that some of the text is boring and he said he likes it much better when I read the stories aloud to him.


I think the stories are great but I feel that there is not a lot of introduction. For example, one chapter discusses the Athens and Spartans and then next the book mentions Persians and assumes the reader has previous knowledge.


Those of you whose children are enjoying the series, do they have prior knowledge or do you supplement with other books that provide more explanation. Should we have a map? I'm assuming my son said it's boring because there is just so much information and he doesn't have prior knowledge so a lot of the information he's reading about is meaningless. Is this a good age to start this or should I begin with another topic? Sorry for being so completely clueless.


I'd like to keep his interest in these series, so I appreciate any suggestions that you might have. Thank you so much:)

Honestly, I am not sure my son is really interested in the topic at this time. So, I'd love suggestions on how to get him interested.

Edited by babygemma
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Mine read them just for fun. They are not our curriculum. I do think they work better this way. Just my thoughts. Oh, and the geography and science ones are GREAT!

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Mine read them just for fun. They are not our curriculum. I do think they work better this way. Just my thoughts. Oh, and the geography and science ones are GREAT!

:iagree:The magazines are also really great and may be better in that there are coloured pictures and games. They are more like comic books, but with lots of info.

Edited by cschnee
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