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need dinner ideas???!!

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Dd starts basketball tomorrow night. She has music tomorrow late afternoon. I'll have just 1 hour between events for dinner.


Our budget does not allow fast food


Dd cannot eat any dairy (so $5 pizza is out)


It is currently 106 degrees outside so heavy crockpot meals are out for another month or so.


Besides PBJ, what is quick, cheap, nutritious, easy, and tastes good?

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When I have days like that I usually prepare everything in the morning and then reheat or assemble it at dinner time.






Pasta salads


Creamed chicken with rice


Oops, forgot no dairy. Okay, scratch a few of those.

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I'm liking the pasta salad idea. I can make the pasta in the morning, then chop up whatever I want to add to it.


Usually when we have a "close to dinner" activity, I throw something in the crockpot. But, no one in my family wants soup, chili, stew, or such when it is so hot!


Also, this is the first year we have activity 1 before dinner and activity 2 after dinner. It is only for 8 weeks. It is only for 8 weeks. It is only for 8 weeks!!!

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pancakes/french toast w/sausages

grilled cheese (you can use soy cheese)

hot dogs & fries

chicken burgers (the patties take 20 min in the oven usually) on a bun w/lettuce & tomato

pasta salads/other salads

toasted sandwiches with various easy toppings - whatever people like. My fave is veggie ham, soy cheese, lettuce, tomato, and sliced pickle, with lots of dijonaise, ketchup, & pepper. YUM. :D You could have lots of different sliced meats & stuff in the fridge, ready to go.


just a few easy & quick things.



*my husband uses this fast bacon stuff - it's precooked and you just zap it. no messing around with frying pans and spitting grease.

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Make it your sandwich night--my kids *love* what we call Monster Sandwiches (french bread w/meat, veggies--sliced into smaller portions); egg salad sandwiches; BLT sandwiches; chicken salad wraps; tacos; meatball sandwiches; sloppy joes


Then add the pasta salad and some fruit and your done!

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Jennie-O has some great turkey burgers in the freezer section that cook up really fast.


Salmon patties are fast.


Fried egg sanwiches.


Cook up hamburger ahead of time and freeze in meal sized portions for tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes.

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Chicken Fajitas are always a quick and yummy favorite at our house...


Slice some onions and green peppers and sautee them for a few minutes until crisp-tender (use Fajita seasoning if you have it - if not, no big deal). Slice up a couple chicken breasts (cook them ahead on a previous day) and throw them in with the onions and peppers for a few minutes. The onions, green peppers and chicken could all be sliced ahead of time to make the entire dinner prep take less than 8 minutes. Warm up tortillas in the microwave (between paper towels) for 30 seconds. Serve with salsa, shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream (for those in your family who can have dairy). YUM! :)


ETA: sometimes I serve this with rice (if I've prepared rice ahead of time). If I don't have rice ready to go, I just cut up some extra sweet pepper slices and serve those cold along with the fajitas.

Edited by Dandelion
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