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? re: HOD LHFHG and BLHFHG curriculum


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For anyone who has used both Little Hearts and Beyond I have a question about the history particularly.


I love a lot about Heart of Dakota. I haven't loved the history texts for the second half of Little Hearts like I had hoped though. Intentionally vague "what I didn't like" was that Little Pilgrims was a bit too one sided for me in some areas and not in depth enough generally. The History Stories have been a little more dry than I expected I guess but I was "more ok" with that text. I had some other issues too with choices of topics I guess and time or lack of time devoted to certain areas. I know people love her history. I don't want to leave any negative impressions of a really great program. I still love the activities and over-all feel and ease of HOD and the literature approach she takes fits us wonderfully.



But is the choice of texts similar for history? If I disliked Little Hearts will I also have issues with Beyond?

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I have not done Little Hearts or Beyond. I have used 2 of the Beyond History books though. They seem to be fine, but I am not really sensitive to these things. ;) We have used Boys and Girls of Colonial Days and History of the Pilgrims.


Have you seen Cathy Duffy's review? She mentions some things about Little Hearts history.


I do not plan to use Little Hearts with my son. I am undecided on Beyond. I am thinking that if you read some reviews and the course description it will help you. There still isn't much history until you get to Bigger and even then it is not very comprehensive, compared to SOTW or WP history for example.

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I have used Beyond & Bigger and ended up selling them both. I don't say that to discourage you, it just wasn't a great fit for my kids. I get bored easily I guess and these levels felt too much the same day after day.


HOWEVER we used Creation to Christ and LOVED it so much for my older daughter that we are going to use Ressurection to Reformation this year for her as well.


Heart of Dakota is an excellent program. Just not all levels fit all people.

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Well we have been doing Beyond for 6 weeks, so far my ds loves the history readings. The three books used are all written in a story format. We haven't started little hearts yet, but have used history for little pilgrims, and the Beyond books do have a different style.

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I think Beyond's history is different from LHFHG. We have used the texts but not with Beyond. They are 3rd and 4th grade texts from CLP. I am looking forward to the time line and such with Beyond this year as well as the activities.

We did LHFHG last year but went through it a lot quicker than what was scheduled. History for Little Pilgrims didn't bother me except for the Chapter on Martin Luther. We skipped it totally. The History Stories book though was way too dry.

Once we stopped reading in the order of LHFHG and just read through History for Little Pilgrims, I liked it a lot more. We basically just dropped everything and read through History for Little Pilgrims and then read BJU Heritage Studies 1.

I do have high hopes for Beyond's history though.

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