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If you use LFC did you buy/use the activity book?


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If the child enjoys crosswords and other types of puzzles, I think it's worth it. For a pencil allergic child, maybe not. My son didn't use it much, but I think my daughter will love it.


If you have 3 children, maybe you could get one book and they could do the puzzles cooperatively. I wouldn't get three.




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Yes, we use it! I think you could get away without it. When you purchase LFC you get a bunch of free downloads. There are some generic sheets for declining and conjugating, some tests, and some worksheets. There are a lot of pages in that thing. I just printed off the whole thing and look through it if we need some more work to solidify our vocab or something. Also, if you're good at coming up with ways to practice on your own, you wouldn't need it. If you're the mom who can whip out a practice sheet on the computer or come up with a game to play to practice the vocab, you really wouldn't need it, I think.


However, I'm not that mom and I really like having the activity books. They are very kid friendly and my daughter likes the activities which are usually word-find puzzles, cross-word puzzles, mazes, elimination, matching, and fill in the blank. They are always funned up versions, though so it's isn't just a list of terms and definitions to match up. Let's see . . . I remember when it was 1st Declension (feminine) we matched tea bags to tea cups . . . there's Link the Latin Engine with the correct box car, put the derivitive number on the correct racing car hood, crack the code, remove the incorrect flower petal . . . stuff like that.


Okay, do you need the stuff . . . hmmmm, probably not. Latin (any language) needs daily study but you don't have to do it the Activity Book way. This is how we do it

Day 1 -- Review orally, practice any hard spots, Read new chapter (very short!), Watch DVD, Fill in the worksheet in the Text Book.


Day 2 -- Review orally, practice any hard spots, Practice new stuff, do one activity page.


Day 3 -- ditto


Day 4 -- ditto


Day 5 -- We read from Minimus or some Latin readers we have.


We only do the tests ocassionally. Some weeks we take more than 4 days to finish.

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We started out using the activity book for LfC A and abandoned it after a while. My dd liked the activities but sometimes they were time-consuming, sometimes the directions were confusing and I didn't think the book added to her learning--it just took more of our time. I chose not to purchase the activity book for LfC B and we haven't missed it. When I think my dd needs more practice I print off one of the practice pages for CAP's website. HTH!



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I purchased one for each of my daughters and they have hardly touched them. They like games and activities, but they have learned the material well without them just by chanting with the chant CD a few times per week. The activity book then just seemed like extra busy work to them, so I haven't made them do it.


Hope that helps a bit.:)




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DD9 loved the activity book because she's the bookwork - geek type person. Next year DD7 will be starting and I'm going to get the activity book for her because she also likes bookwork.

It'll be a while before I do LFC with DD6 but right now I can't see her wanting to do the activity books.

So, it depends on the child.

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