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We all have different ways to pay for college


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Some of us work in the university community and their children can go to whichever colleges have reciprocal agreements with the original agreements with the college. Some of us are military and have a child getting the GI Bill and the kid can go to college with low enough expenses for that state (can be high in Texas but low in Fl, for example) or with yellow ribbon program. Some of us are a religion that gives a quality education for low cost to members. Some of us have large families and thereby low EFCs. Some of us have only one or two kids and middle income and thereby astronomical EFC. Some have kids who are amazing test takers and merit aid is the way to go. Others have kids who work really hard and can come into college with lots of credits already so the problem is paying for only two years. Some of us live in areas with very good community colleges that feed into excellent state schools. Some of us live in areas with either no community college or lousy ones that feed into nothing or into only certain majors.


These are only some of the various differences we have. Why did I do this post? Just to remind people that there is no one solution fits all and to show how some of us may actually find private schools to be cheaper than public. I think most of us can admit that colleges nowadays are extremely expensive and that costs like 40K to 55K are more than the most anyone can afford straight from income.

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A fine post, Chris. The only thing that I would add is that the rules of the game are in flux. So what worked for one generation, does not necessarily work for the next. A school's policy regarding credit transfer (AP, CC, CLEP, etc.) is subject to change. Etc.


Your post demonstrates why some firm pronouncements of the "best" path are not necessarily the best path for all families or all students.


Good job.



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I appreciate you posting this. We are of an average, maybe higher income, but high cost of living, and have no college savings. I have no idea what we will do when the time comes. Find our own path I suppose. I will be reading the high school and college boards when the time comes to help me figure it out.

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Oh, Jane, how I know the rules are in flux. In absolute agreement with you there.


I think we saw that this last year with some poster saying the AP=credits rule changes, the stories of how community college is overcrowded and students can't get classes they need, another poster talked of college reciprocity agreements changing, and on and on.


The fluctuations and uncertainties is why the average student is applying to more colleges. I think many of us think that we would rather spend more money up front and not be negatively surprised at the end.


In our particular case, our dd will apply this fall and winter, find out by April but have not complete certainty at all schools on finances until late April. Decision day is May 1.

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