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Drive Safely video on facebook....

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I'm sitting her feeling frozen after watching a "drive safely" video that someone posted on facebook. Has anyone else watched this?? I serioulsy don't want to leave my house now.


FYI-it's a video showing real and fake car accidents. I'm sure it was made to encourage people to pay attention while driving, but oh.my.word..I'm so fearful to get in a car now.

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Here is the place those montags are made from. http://www.youtube.com/user/TACVictoria It's a campaign to get people to stop texting, talking on the phone, and speeding while driving, as well as promoting seat belts. Some of the videos are quite sad, but sadly, people believe that will never happen to them or that they are using the phone safely, but sadly, anything that is distracting in the car is dangerous.


I urge everyone to take Oprah's No Phone Zone pledge.

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I have seen those ads before online and think they send an extremely powerful message. Only one of them was shown on American tv and in an "edited" version. They were deemed "too violent and upsetting" for US t.v.


Talk about a culture out of balance.....

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