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Feeling awkward...

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I'll be starting my junior year, and that feeling still hasn't gone away!


Of course, I'm the crazy girl who always sits up front (even when there are still seats in the back! GASP!) and who the professor often talks to when they come into the classroom/at the end of class. :tongue_smilie:


Oh well!


The awkward feeling does lessen though. Either you find a person or two who you can talk to (even if that person is the professor!) or you get used to it. What class are you sitting in?

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That will be me tomorrow morning @ 8:00 a.m. I haven't sat in a classroom in twelve years. I've got butterflies!


Oh you'll do great! I really love being back in school. I started back last semester. My main problem is the push for group projects in my education classes. Because teachers work collaboratively, the school pushes the classes to be set up in a similar way I guess. The problem is that I'm working with very young people who believe in doing the bare minimum and they think I'm weird for overpreparing. And these are our future teachers.

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This semester I have 3 classes. One is an education class that focuses on multi-cultural diversity in the classroom or something like that. :) The math course focuses on teaching us to explain how we do the math so we can teach it. My math book talks about Singapore math and has the bar diagrams. And my science course is a content class so we can be familiar with science concepts in order to teach them to elementary students.

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Of course, I'm the crazy girl who always sits up front (even when there are still seats in the back! GASP!) and who the professor often talks to when they come into the classroom/at the end of class. :tongue_smilie:



I like being that girl! It got one of my professors to fill out a whole lot of paperwork so he could run a class he hadn't run for years, just coz I wanted to do the class :) Then he let my brother from another uni come sit in, without paying anything. Top bloke :D




I suppose the little kiddies will figure out sooner or later that you are a cool (read: useful) person to have on their team.


Rosie- kinda misses uni

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I like being that girl! It got one of my professors to fill out a whole lot of paperwork so he could run a class he hadn't run for years, just coz I wanted to do the class :) Then he let my brother from another uni come sit in, without paying anything. Top bloke :D




I suppose the little kiddies will figure out sooner or later that you are a cool (read: useful) person to have on their team.


Rosie- kinda misses uni


Oh yeah, I enjoy it too. And I know when recommendation time rolls around and I can whip out 3 excellent recommendations for graduate school, I'll be really glad I cultivated that relationship!


And they do figure it out quickly. Usually around the time of the first exam or first big paper, they start stopping me after class and wanting to study with me or wanting my advice on their paper. :tongue_smilie:I try and give some general advice, but I don't have time to study with others.

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