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MM Light Blue users-did you find that most of 3b was repeated in 4?


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Going more in depth, but still started at the beginning and repeated? On overview, it looks like this may be the case. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this too because I'm trying to "catch up" dd and it looks like I could skip 3b. (I have the whole program 1-6, just trying to save time. Also she gets these topics in another program (CLE) so enough practice is not an issue. Just want to make sure I'd be ok skipping 3b and going to 4a because it's all reviewed.)

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My dd is nearing the end of 3B and I'm now in the process of previewing 4A. I haven't looked into this yet but I will report back with what I find. Personally, I had dd do all of 3B mostly as review because if she would have a weak spot, it's math.

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i have the whole program too but I'm not sure about this either. One of my dd's is working through level 3 this year, my son thru level 4 and another dd thru level 2. I think since maybe they are meant to be done on a year by year basis, it begins with a review in the first book and then moves into new concepts?

But we are still in A books. So I'm no help. Maria is AMAZINGLY helpful. I would just email her and ask her what she thinks.

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Going more in depth, but still started at the beginning and repeated? On overview, it looks like this may be the case. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this too because I'm trying to "catch up" dd and it looks like I could skip 3b. (I have the whole program 1-6, just trying to save time. Also she gets these topics in another program (CLE) so enough practice is not an issue. Just want to make sure I'd be ok skipping 3b and going to 4a because it's all reviewed.)

Well, in elementary math, most topics are repeated in the subsequent grade, with a bit more depth and difficulty (the exception being a single-topic curriculum like MUS). However, if you've already covered the topics in MM3b in CLE, then I wouldn't see a problem in going straight into 4a, if you're trying to "catch up." OTOH, if the reason you're trying to catch up is because your DD has been struggling with math, then I would be more inclined to do 3b, even if it meant just doing every 2nd or 3rd problem, to be sure the foundation was truly solid before going into 4a.



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Thanks, Jackie! I might continue to cherry pick our way through 3b first. OR I might sit down with both and try to see how much overlap there is. It's kind of hard to do that without having it printed in hand! I guess I could also check with Maria. I really don't want to miss anything.

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