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help! homeschool tracker has twisted my brain!

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Whoa... purchased the $50 HST Plus and I can't figure this thing out! I was so excited about this - the answer to my disorganized homeschooling. I'm trying to slog through the 268 page manual to get answers to my questions, and I've watched a few training videos, too. I've even got my smart dd13 trying to help. Any suggestions out there? Thanks!

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It is overwhelming, I was when I first started using it...but I figured out what I needed instead of trying to look at using all of it.


So... what are you trying to accomplish? Let us know what you want to do then we may be able to tell you how to do it. :)

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I could have wrote this post a few months ago! Actually, I did! I ended up having the user manual up and the HST up at the same time and went step by step. I promise that once you start playing around with it, you will start to get it. I know that I will be learing how to use this for years to come. There is sooooo much to it!

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I could have wrote this post a few months ago! Actually, I did! I ended up having the user manual up and the HST up at the same time and went step by step. I promise that once you start playing around with it, you will start to get it. I know that I will be learing how to use this for years to come. There is sooooo much to it!

:iagree: That's what I did, too! When I wanted to try some new task, I would look it up in the manual and work through it step by step.

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I opened the manual and followed it step by step. I figured out that certain parts have to be set up for other parts to work; it's interactive between the different parts. So do the first thing in the manual, then the next and next until you have the basics set up. Then skim the manual to see what parts you want to use.

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I'm one of the idiots who started using it without reading the manual or watching the videos. I have amended my ways. :D


First of all, you shouldn't try to do everything all at once. Decide what you would like HST+ to do for you and go from there one at a time. Then like all the previous wise posters said, read the manual and watch the videos. I don't happen to use the weekly planner. But I do put everything in the lesson plans and then move them over to the assignment grid. One huge mistake I made in the beginning was inputting ALL the lessons directly to the assignment grid. The whole years assignments were there and I was very proud of myself until - ACK! - one of my dd's got sick! :001_huh: I had to "reschedule" months of work for one day sick. It was especially difficult for the subjects that weren't every day. So now, I only move a few weeks at a time to the assignment grid. If only I had read the manual!


I am now an avid true-blue believer in HST+. It does everything for me except wash socks and KT is the BEST when it comes to customer support. Oh yes, and the message boards over there are great!




Do you have a specific question you need answered?

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