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an ex-landlord to small claims court? I'm in the process of doing this. I've already sent in the papers but I'm not sure if I should be calling this dingbat.


He didn't give us our security deposit back even though at first he said the place looked "great." he called back 3 days after that and accused me of breaking the sliding glass door (didn't ever break that door and have pictures to prove it). He told me he'd get back to me on Monday or Tuesday 8/2 or 8/3 to show me what I supposedly broke and he has never called. I haven't called him either because I have no respect for him nor do I want to hear anything that he has to say but.....some people are telling me that I should be calling him 2-3 times per day and to let him know I'm suing him. I kind of just want him to be surprised when he gets the summons in the mail.


I knew I'd have trouble with this guy. He's, I think, I slumlord who has a bunch of properties in the city here but the place we rented was a townhouse in an upper middle class neighborhood (he bought the place for his sister years ago and she has since move and joined the carnival!!!! I am NOT kidding!!!!


So, should I call the guy or just let him get the summons?

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  • 4 weeks later...

At this point, I wouldn't call.


You've set the ball in motion. The courts will do the rest. I have found the court system to be very practical and realistic. You waste some time sitting around, but things get done.


My tips:


Have all your information, including pictures, ready. Dates of your walk-through, calls, etc. Bring your agreement.


Stay calm and in control no matter what. Believe me, if the landlord loses it and you don't, you'll "win".


Realize that the court will often try to give both sides something. They may find some small thing to charge you for, then order him to give you the rest of your deposit back.


Also realize that he'll have the right to ask to make payments to pay you back. That part really fried me, but at least you'll get your money eventually.


Good luck!

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