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Seriously yall, what is WRONG with my LIPS???

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I cannot figure out what is going on! I have been getting these odd little blisters (I have always gotten fever blisters, but these are NOT fever blisters because they come up then go away in 24 hours). My lips are also super dry, but they aren't really chapped. It's hard to describe, but it's almost like some dry patches, and it doesn't seem like chap sticks (I get natural ones from our co-op), or my UNpetroleum jelly is doing anything to help.


My doctor says I am/was a little dehydrated, but I have been trying to drink loads of water the last few days.


Also, foods that normally don't bother me in the least are burning the tar out of my lips when I eat.



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I cannot figure out what is going on! I have been getting these odd little blisters (I have always gotten fever blisters, but these are NOT fever blisters because they come up then go away in 24 hours). My lips are also super dry, but they aren't really chapped. It's hard to describe, but it's almost like some dry patches, and it doesn't seem like chap sticks (I get natural ones from our co-op), or my UNpetroleum jelly is doing anything to help.


My doctor says I am/was a little dehydrated, but I have been trying to drink loads of water the last few days.


Also, foods that normally don't bother me in the least are burning the tar out of my lips when I eat.



Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause lip and tongue sores and burning.

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Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause lip and tongue sores and burning.


Really? I've been getting these swollen lips randomly. I was trying to figure out a pattern to what I've been eating. I've also got these "patches" on my tongue. I assumed it was related to my "geographic" tongue. They don't hurt, but they're sensitive to salt and acidic foods. My dentist saw them and wasn't worried, but had no suggestions. Off to re-start my vitamins. Why am I so bad about that??

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I do not mean to hijack this thread, but you are the only other person I have heard of that has this. My 4 yr old has geographical tongue. Have you ever had any problems due to this? My dd just has a hard time drinking orange juice, which she loves, but it burns her tongue. I am just curious to know whether or not I need to look out for anything.

Really? I've been getting these swollen lips randomly. I was trying to figure out a pattern to what I've been eating. I've also got these "patches" on my tongue. I assumed it was related to my "geographic" tongue. They don't hurt, but they're sensitive to salt and acidic foods. My dentist saw them and wasn't worried, but had no suggestions. Off to re-start my vitamins. Why am I so bad about that??
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