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Literary Analysis...Progeny Press or Lightning Lit.?

cheryl h

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I have a dd12 who is a very advanced reader in that she reads a lot, reads it fast, and has very high comprehension. I want her to take this gift to the next level and start some literary analysis this next year and would love to hear your opinions on whether I should go with my original plan of using Lightning Lit. 7 or if choosing some of Progeny Press' study guides is a better choice. Anyone used or have experience with both? Which is better? I have a few PP guides(below her level) so I have and idea of what PP entails but I am not in a position to get my eyes on LL7 without ordering, so I can't make an educated decision. Help please.

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I've never used Progeny Press but I have LL7 in hand, my dd will use it this next year (starting in 2 weeks). I can tell you that the representative samples on their website are spot on, what you see there is what you'll get. My dd is a voracious reader and her comprehension has always been really high. I think this will be an excellent intro (we've never done any lit analysis before beyond discussing the books for fun, she know NO literary terms). Also, I plan on having her finish it in 1 semester instead of 2 and then using LL8 the second semester, it should be easily do-able.



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We used LL7 and LL8. You may read my review here. We enjoyed LL, but neither ds nor I would be considered gifted in this area.


Here are some threads that you may find helpful:

What did you dislike about LL, if anything?


So what does a 8th grade lit


I encourage you to do a board search. You'll find more information. There's even a 'lightning lit' tag.

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I've never used Progeny Press but I have LL7 in hand, my dd will use it this next year (starting in 2 weeks). I can tell you that the representative samples on their website are spot on, what you see there is what you'll get. My dd is a voracious reader and her comprehension has always been really high. I think this will be an excellent intro (we've never done any lit analysis before beyond discussing the books for fun, she know NO literary terms). Also, I plan on having her finish it in 1 semester instead of 2 and then using LL8 the second semester, it should be easily do-able.



I was actually thinking about getting both LL7 and LL8 and doing what you have mentioned because she has already read several of the books from both which would allow us to get through it more quickly, I think:)

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We used LL7 and LL8. You may read my review here. We enjoyed LL, but neither ds nor I would be considered gifted in this area.


Here are some threads that you may find helpful:

What did you dislike about LL, if anything?


So what does a 8th grade lit


I encourage you to do a board search. You'll find more information. There's even a 'lightning lit' tag.


OOOOOoooo! Nice thread recommendations. That is very helpful. I am on the brink of just ordering LL7 & 8 today...unless anyone else can chime in with reasons to do Progeny Press guides. Anyone?

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I think I have decided to get LL7, try to do it in a term, then for second term do a couple of PP guides. That way I can decide for myself if it is too "light" as some have mentioned, and we can do the PP guides that are Christian based, best of both I guess. If I like LL7, then we can start LL8 for 8th grade, and then do a few more Christian based PP guides. Now I just have to decide on which PP guides...that's why I liked the idea of LL7, I didn't have to decide what to read. Maybe I'll let dd pick, then she would feel like she has some say. OK then. That's settled.:001_smile: Ya!

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My ds 13 will be using Progeny Press this year. I haven't looked at LL so I can't comment on the differences. I have gone through and planned out several books using PP guides and am very impressed with them. We chose them because my son really wanted to choose books that interested him this year so I went on a search to find guides for what he had chosen. We happened across PP and I am very glad we have. I am now looking for some to do with my daughter instead of using BYFIAR with her.

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