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My baby is turning two tomorrow

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I have never been one to cry over not having a baby in the house. I have always been happy with the children that I have.


But somehow this time it is different. Maybe because she may be the last, maybe because I will be 43 next week. Maybe because everyone is asking if another one is on the way (after all weren't the last three 2 years apart in age).


I never ever dreamed that I would be the mother of 5 dc! I am so, blessed that I let God nudge me to be open to more children (I was happy with two).


What is my problem? I keep looking around our tiny house wondering if there is room for one more. Boy have I changed over the years!

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Our babies are only a week apart! Mine turns two next Sunday, and I just can't believe it either. She's our last for a while:tongue_smilie:! I don't know yet positively if we are done, leaning toward it, but yeah, I'm so sad that my innocent little baby is gone.:crying: She has been the sweetest thing until just the last month, she now gets into things and is naughty.:angelsad2: I knew the day would come, but I could hope right?!

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My baby turned two a couple weeks ago.


The fact that his was a traumatic birth and I'm 43, means there won't be anymore babies until the grandbabies come.


The days are sweet though.


I look at my older dc and am so grateful for the opportunity to experience the baby,toddler and preschool days again.

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