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BJU Englsh (4th grade online), and world Studies (7th grade online)

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I just found out from another post that BJU offers online individual courses for all grades!


I'm interested in finding out what people think of BJU English 4 online. I had a few questions -

BJU English 4

1) I'm assuming the teacher goes over the lesson then dc does the worksheet and I correct it?

2) Dd needs plenty of review (grammar is a stuggle for her) does the teacher review or are their review practice sheets that I can provide dd?

3) I saw the TM has review worksheets (from the CD), but I noticed the English TM is not part of the online package price (hope this makes sense).

4) When the English chapter covers writing, does it still review grammar? (I think dd would need that)

5) Finally, how do you all like English 4?? Is it as thorough as R&S English? dd is trying that now, but it's a struggle... she seems to understand the R&S lesson, but bombs the practice.

6) Also, I read somewhere that if I purchase thru' a BJU consultant, shipping is free - is that correct?


World Studies 7th

1) What type of written work does dc do on her own?? Is there any essay writing? or only Q&A? (I'm assuming there are tests). But I really want dd to write essays for history.....

2) How did ou like the online course? Worth the $$?


Thanks so much for any help you can give!!!


dd(14), dd(12), dd(9), ds(6)

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BJU English 4

1) I'm assuming the teacher goes over the lesson then dc does the worksheet and I correct it? Yes. Plus some skits and fun stuff.


2) Dd needs plenty of review (grammar is a stuggle for her) does the teacher review or are their review practice sheets that I can provide dd? IMO, yes, there is a lot of review. There is daily review. And there are two review days at the end of each chapter--a chapter review and then a cummulative review.


3) I saw the TM has review worksheets (from the CD), but I noticed the English TM is not part of the online package price (hope this makes sense). The student materials come with the kit. You have online access to the TM. I find the English TM is one I need (in print), and it's easy enough to buy. You can buy them second hand. If you're getting the whole grade kit, you can get ALL the TMs from BJUP for $100; but that's not what you're doing.


4) When the English chapter covers writing, does it still review grammar? (I think dd would need that) Um, well, she goes through the writing process, and it includes proofreading and revision. She'll show writing examples typical for that age, including typical errors; and she'll show your child how to correct them.


5) Finally, how do you all like English 4?? Is it as thorough as R&S English? dd is trying that now, but it's a struggle... she seems to understand the R&S lesson, but bombs the practice. I think English is a subject that BJUP does well. See below.


6) Also, I read somewhere that if I purchase thru' a BJU consultant, shipping is free - is that correct? Yes.


World Studies 7th

1) What type of written work does dc do on her own?? Is there any essay writing? or only Q&A? (I'm assuming there are tests). But I really want dd to write essays for history..... We'll be taking this class with you this year, so I can't say specifically. There is a HomeSat yahoo group where you can ask questions like this. Typically, the teachers do assign a variety of papers, reports, experiments, projects, and sometimes crafts. From your perspective, these are all optional. But since you want the reports, I think you'll find some guidance. (I especially like the writing process taught in the English class.) Yes, there are tests; they'll come with your kit. We don't do them, so I can't say much about them.


2) How did ou like the online course? Worth the $$? :) given that this will be our 7th year to participate, for our family, yes. It's not for everyone. And even I don't jump up and down with excitement over this curriculum. But it's tried and true. It's well organized, researched, laid out, and presented. The structure works for my family.



This is a review I wrote to BJUP as feedback on the 4th Grade English class:


"We did not love Mrs. Overly in Grades 1-3, so we were pleasantly surprised that this was a terrific class. We loved Superlative Sam and Miss Hap [skits]. This is Mrs. Overly's best work so far!"


Good luck with your decision.

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This is a review I wrote to BJUP as feedback on the 4th Grade English class:


"We did not love Mrs. Overly in Grades 1-3, so we were pleasantly surprised that this was a terrific class. We loved Superlative Sam and Miss Hap [skits]. This is Mrs. Overly's best work so far!"


Good luck with your decision.




Thank you for the detailed post!! It was very helpful. I have a few more question to ask you :) - Do you like BJU's English writing component?? Some of the chapters in t he 4th grade English book seem a little advanced for my dd (Compare-conrast essay, writing a research paper). Should I still plow thru' it with dd or skip and use another writing program- We used WWE 2 this year, and I was planning to continue with WWE 3, but this might be overkill? What do you think?


I'm also considering BJU 4th grade reading? How do you like BJU 4th grade reading? Does it go beyond comprehension questions? Does it teach some basic literary terms? We are currently using CLE Reading, which is good, but it's A LOT to go through! I'd like to take a break from it this year...


To give you a little background, last year dd (9 yo) used FFL 3, it was quite time consuming, b/c she had trouble understanding concepts and didn't retain much. But, we kept with it through the year. I don't want to go thru' another year of FLL, and am now trying R&S English 4 (already had from older dds). Again, she is having difficulty transferring/remembering/retaining what is taught in the current lesson and using that knowledge to correctly complete the oral & written practice. Today, we couldn't even finish a lesson on compound subject & predicates b/c she didn't remember how to diagram them... I am praying that I find something that clicks with dd. I really don't want another year of struggling thru' grammar for her or me! It's quite challenging! Perhaps having the BJU video may help her understand and retain?...


Sorry to ramble, but thought I should explain why I'm looking into BJU online.


Thanks so much for listening and answering my questions!


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Here is the consultant that I have used to order my BJU materials. Her name is Kim Jackson. Her contact information is 843.327.1019 - kimjax@msn.com.

She is awesome and very helpful! :)

I am using the 3rd grade BJU hard drive this year and loving it! My daughter went from English being her least favorite subject, to loving it!!

Good luck!


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Thank you for the detailed post!! It was very helpful. I have a few more question to ask you :) - Do you like BJU's English writing component?? Very much. I think BJUP does an excellent job with writing. The online teachers make it particularly appealing and clear. (IMO)


Some of the chapters in t he 4th grade English book seem a little advanced for my dd (Compare-conrast essay, writing a research paper). Should I still plow thru' it with dd or skip and use another writing program- We used WWE 2 this year, and I was planning to continue with WWE 3, but this might be overkill? What do you think? I have read (in the Yahoo HomeSat group) say that coming in to BJUP from another curriculum, their kids did struggle. I don't think that's because BJUP is particularly difficult. I think (I don't know), that mainly happens to moms who have been very casual about their writing instruction (i.e. often skip it). Then they come to BJUP where there is a lot of structure and writing is emphasized, and it's a bit of a culture shock.


I think if you'll sit with your daughter and go through the steps of the writing process together (which are very clearly laid out by the video teacher -- you can't miss them), she'll likely do just fine.


I'm also considering BJU 4th grade reading? How do you like BJU 4th grade reading? Does it go beyond comprehension questions? Does it teach some basic literary terms? We are currently using CLE Reading, which is good, but it's A LOT to go through! I'd like to take a break from it this year... I think Reading is the class that BJUP does the best. The 4th grade video teacher is excellent. (I'll post a review below.) Yes, they ask comprehension questions -- well beyond rote memory. Yes, they cover basic literary terms. And I think the reading selections are terrific. Not too long, but of interest to the age group. (I don't know anything about CLE reading.)


To give you a little background, last year dd (9 yo) used FFL 3, it was quite time consuming, b/c she had trouble understanding concepts and didn't retain much. But, we kept with it through the year. I don't want to go thru' another year of FLL, and am now trying R&S English 4 (already had from older dds). Again, she is having difficulty transferring/remembering/retaining what is taught in the current lesson and using that knowledge to correctly complete the oral & written practice. Today, we couldn't even finish a lesson on compound subject & predicates b/c she didn't remember how to diagram them... I am praying that I find something that clicks with dd. I really don't want another year of struggling thru' grammar for her or me! It's quite challenging! Perhaps having the BJU video may help her understand and retain?...In all honesty, I can't guess what your experience with BJUP will be. Your daughter's learning experience is far different from my son's. And I've only had this one child. I suggest you go to the HomeSat Yahoo group and ask some of these questions there.


Sorry to ramble, but thought I should explain why I'm looking into BJU online.


Thanks so much for listening and answering my questions!



Here is the review I wrote of BJUP's 4th Grade Reading class (for end-of-the-year feedback).


"I realize Miss Liston is not with BJUP anymore, but she is a great teacher, and this is a great class. I know you went to much effort to create the set and the skits. The result is excellent. My son and I loved watching this class.


Suggestion: The Zoli's legacy and WWII stories (lessons 64-67) should have been in 5th grade reading to correspond to our 5th Grade Heritage Studies study of World War II. In the 4th grade, the children are not able to put the stories in context with the war because they haven't studied it yet.


My son loved the story "John 3:16." When he finished reading it, he closed the book and said, "Wow!"


This is an excellent class. "


I'm happy to answer more questions.

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We went from R & S English 3 to BJU English 4 DVD's and we also used BJU Reading 4 this past year. My ds's most favorite class of all was Miss Liston in BJU Reading 4. The Pony Express theme was fantastic... I loved checking out the silent movie skits at the beginning of each class, too! And my ds nearly cried when we finished this class a week ago (and he only cries about DOING school, not MISSING a school class.... usually! :lol:)


As for English, grammar will never be his favorite class, but he preferred the workbook sheets of BJU English over having to write out everything from R & S books. I loved the systematic approach of R & S for grammar, but my ds was very relieved to move over to BJU. And I thought the writing component of BJU English 4 was WONDERFUL!!!! I loved the hand-holding that BJU offers with all the steps of the writing process explained, the graphic organizers that were provided with each lesson, and being able to watch Arnie the Anteater do his writing assignments as a model for us to follow! I was VERY relieved that I didn't have to be the model for writing, as it was never my favorite subject in school!


Blessings in your decision-making!



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Where did you find the information for the online classes for individual subjects for elementary? I looked on the website and it only shows pricing for complete grade level packages for K4-5th grade.





Here is the link - http://www.bjupresshomeschool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/category_Online____559627


Click on the subject you want, then it will show the description, specifications and resources. If you click on resources there is a sample you can view.



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