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Look, just have to stick up for the much maligned bikini bathing suit.

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I use to work at Lands' End. It was sold, taken back, and sold again. It really isn't, imo, the same company that I worked for 25 years ago. I'm not sure they are making the best financial decisions--and that goes hand in hand with product.


And yes, the apostrophe is in the wrong place:

"Incidentally... ..a lot of people ask why the apostrophe in Lands' End is in the wrong place. There have been some silly explanations along the way, but the truth is, it was a mistake. It was a typo in our first printed piece, and we couldn't afford to reprint and correct it."




Gary Comer was a wonderful man, and he ran his business with his employees and his quality at the top of his mind every day--that is why he went to not being able to afford a reprint to building such a wonderful company. He'd walk through to see how we were doing. From what I hear, Sears just doesn't make the same grade. It does not surprise me when folks say that the choices or quality has changed.


Just my opinion.


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I love two-piece suits. I never wore one until I was done having kids, don't know why - just didn't.

I don't really see the difference between a one-piece and a two-piece.... only the belly button is covered in a one piece..... and I don't believe that is something men ogle at. A suit is a suit. Unless you wear a suit that covers you loosely from knees to elbows, I think the modesty idea behind the one piece is moot and just makes people feel more covered. I've seen plenty of teenage boys ogle teenage girls in one pieces, and those in rash guards as well (they are usually very tight).

I only wear suits that cover my behind, and come up a little higher in the front (due to stretch marks), and I usually wear board shorts to and from the water somewhere in public, but they are a pain when wet - very heavy. I look horrid in tankinis, and one-piece suits don't hold me up at all, and I find well fitting two-piece suits to be far more comfortable (I like the bra like tops).

I have no problem what-so-ever with string bikinis on adult women - I live in FL and I see them all the time, and I just don't see the big deal.

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I'm so glad that most of the world does not follow the Puritan concept of the human body that took such solid root in the United States.


With the exception of Islamic nations, which do not have separation of church and state, and therefore cannot simply toss the fabric out with the bath water, lest they wish their entire society to go down in flames, the rest of the world simply isn't as appalled at the human form as is that big 'ol chunk of land called the USA.


I guess it is so amazing to me because I hear "god made this god made that" in the same breath that I hear "oh, but the human body is bad". And don't go slamming me for "no one here said the body is bad". It's an analogy.


There's nothing wrong with the human body - in all of its forms. There are a whole bunch of insecure people who are flipped the heck out about it for one reason or another: self esteem, religion, relationships, whatever - my personal opinion is that it all boils down to control and fear. Insert whichever fear you want, insert control of or control over whatever you want. But don't tell me or anyone else they can't wear a bikini, their birthday suit, or a burquini. Hide in your house if you're that freaked out by humanity.




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I'm so glad that most of the world does not follow the Puritan concept of the human body that took such solid root in the United States.


With the exception of Islamic nations, which do not have separation of church and state, and therefore cannot simply toss the fabric out with the bath water, lest they wish their entire society to go down in flames, the rest of the world simply isn't as appalled at the human form as is that big 'ol chunk of land called the USA.


I guess it is so amazing to me because I hear "god made this god made that" in the same breath that I hear "oh, but the human body is bad". And don't go slamming me for "no one here said the body is bad". It's an analogy.


There's nothing wrong with the human body - in all of its forms. There are a whole bunch of insecure people who are flipped the heck out about it for one reason or another: self esteem, religion, relationships, whatever - my personal opinion is that it all boils down to control and fear. Insert whichever fear you want, insert control of or control over whatever you want. But don't tell me or anyone else they can't wear a bikini, their birthday suit, or a burquini. Hide in your house if you're that freaked out by humanity.







Big surprise!

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I'm so glad that most of the world does not follow the Puritan concept of the human body that took such solid root in the United States.


With the exception of Islamic nations, which do not have separation of church and state, and therefore cannot simply toss the fabric out with the bath water, lest they wish their entire society to go down in flames, the rest of the world simply isn't as appalled at the human form as is that big 'ol chunk of land called the USA.


I guess it is so amazing to me because I hear "god made this god made that" in the same breath that I hear "oh, but the human body is bad". And don't go slamming me for "no one here said the body is bad". It's an analogy.


There's nothing wrong with the human body - in all of its forms. There are a whole bunch of insecure people who are flipped the heck out about it for one reason or another: self esteem, religion, relationships, whatever - my personal opinion is that it all boils down to control and fear. Insert whichever fear you want, insert control of or control over whatever you want. But don't tell me or anyone else they can't wear a bikini, their birthday suit, or a burquini. Hide in your house if you're that freaked out by humanity.






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I would totally rock a bikini if my stomach wasn't so awful. It's not the "three-baby flab" that bothers me. It's the bright-pink stretch marks from here to there that prevent me from wearing one. If I didn't have such an amazing collection of horrid stretch marks, I'd let it all hang out. My ladies would look so much better in a well-built bikini top.


We recently went to a water park, where people of all shapes and sizes wore suits of all shapes and sizes. Honestly, the bigger gals rockin' their bikinis looked great. You could see the confidence oozing out of them. I was so glad my kids got to see people of all shapes and sizes. Honestly, I think it helps them create a more realistic image of what a human body looks like. I say, if it makes you feel good and comfortable, wear it.


Oh, to sahm99, you had a great point about covering up what isn't there. I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks!

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I'm so glad that most of the world does not follow the Puritan concept of the human body that took such solid root in the United States.


With the exception of Islamic nations, which do not have separation of church and state, and therefore cannot simply toss the fabric out with the bath water, lest they wish their entire society to go down in flames, the rest of the world simply isn't as appalled at the human form as is that big 'ol chunk of land called the USA.


I guess it is so amazing to me because I hear "god made this god made that" in the same breath that I hear "oh, but the human body is bad". And don't go slamming me for "no one here said the body is bad". It's an analogy.


There's nothing wrong with the human body - in all of its forms. There are a whole bunch of insecure people who are flipped the heck out about it for one reason or another: self esteem, religion, relationships, whatever - my personal opinion is that it all boils down to control and fear. Insert whichever fear you want, insert control of or control over whatever you want. But don't tell me or anyone else they can't wear a bikini, their birthday suit, or a burquini. Hide in your house if you're that freaked out by humanity.





Oh snap! :iagree:

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