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CLE LA Users?

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Hi :)


I am wondering if you all use an additional spelling program with CLE LA. I am using LA 4 for my 5th grader, 3 for my 4th grader and 1 for my 1st grader.


I am looking at spelling workout to use possibly. According to WTM, my 5th grader should be using level E and my 4thgrader should be using level D. My 5th grader is a weak speller so I am not sure about that.


Any thoughts?

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Right now I use Abeka Spelling with it, and occasionally AAS just to keep it fresh in their minds. I plan to move to just AAS or AAS + ________ (TBD) once phonics is down pat.


Perhaps I should add that I let my boys test out of words they already know on the Abeka lists. If they can spell it right orally & written (doesn't have to be on the same day), and then remember how at a later time also (say, Friday and then Monday), I don't make that word part of the list. I either add a word(s) that they've mispelled in their own writing or add a word from the next list.

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Oh no. I thought CLE LA was complete. I was planning on using it for handwriting, spelling and grammar. Now I'm wondering why folks are buying an additional spelling program. Please enlighten me.:)


It has spelling in it and if I were just using CLE for the core of or all of our LA, I'd use their spelling as-is. Maybe I'd add in some trouble words from the child's own writing, dep. on the kid. But not b/c the curriculum needs it. I'm doing my own weird phonics remediation curriculum hybrid with my 9yo, and I guess since I'm having to remediate w/ him I have this panicky urge to make certain it doesn't happen w/ my youngest. The way we're doing it, it doesn't take a whole lot of time. I think it would be fine by itself if you're using the whole LA program.

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Another idea:

Use the spelling lists in the manual, but not the workbook. Here's what we did last year:


Monday: dictate the spelling word -- student writes out and marks the vowels, silent letters, and circles the sounds which are unusual

Find a way to sort the words (i.e. long e spelled ea, long e spelled e cons. e, etc). Student writes word in correct column


Tuesday: spelling baseball--see how many points you can earn in 5 minutes.


Words are dictated. Student can earn a point by spelling the word correctly the first time (have them spell out loud and write at the same time) OR by writing a mis-spelled word correctly 3 additional times.


Wednesday: Set timer. Write words in sand (or salt or whatever) after listening to words dictated. Self check.


Thursday: spelling baseball--did you beat your score? Self study on difficult words for 15 minutes


Friday: test

Any missed words get carried over into following week.

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It has spelling in it and if I were just using CLE for the core of or all of our LA, I'd use their spelling as-is. Maybe I'd add in some trouble words from the child's own writing, dep. on the kid. But not b/c the curriculum needs it. I'm doing my own weird phonics remediation curriculum hybrid with my 9yo, and I guess since I'm having to remediate w/ him I have this panicky urge to make certain it doesn't happen w/ my youngest. The way we're doing it, it doesn't take a whole lot of time. I think it would be fine by itself if you're using the whole LA program.


Thanks for the response!!:001_smile:


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CLE's Spelling is great. No need to supplement unless your child needs it. :D


I agree , but we still use SS because it just takes a few minutes and my son likes it :)

He just does it on an erasable little board .

Otherwise CLE spelling is great and is based on 5000 most common words .Also I like that it has some thinking questions , as well as phonics for younger grades.

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I think CLE spelling is okay for a natural speller. I would never use it with a child that struggles. My daughter does do the CLE spelling, but I also quickly went through the SWR lists for her grade level last year and plan to do the same at some point this year.


We started out with SWR and my daughter was so great at sounding out words to spell them as well as sounding out new words she was reading. After a year long break from SWR and just using CLE, I noticed she was no longer breaking out words she didn't know like she used to and she had forgotten a lot of the phonogram sounds. When I added SWR back in, she began doing this again and her reading skills also took a big jump. I may have just cut out the phonics a little too early since she had been reading so well early on.



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I added in the spelling rules cards from the SWR program. My dd was doing fine with the CLE LA as is, but I decided to add those in 1) because I already had them and 2) because I felt it would give her more tools to understand spelling. When we start back this year, I plan to continue to review the cards with her in addition to the spelling included in CLE.

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I have used CLE language arts with my children, both with and without using the CLE spelling. The first year that we used CLE, we did the spelling also, but I decided that it bogged us down, so the next year, I had my children use SWO and skip the CLE spelling. So we just did the grammar in the CLE, and that worked better for us. I think the lessons just took too long when we did the CLE spelling. I can control the pace of SWO better, I guess. If we don't get to it one day, then we can double up another, but that is harder when we try to do both the grammar and spelling in the CLE booklet before we can proceed to the next lesson. Don't know if this makes sense.

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