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Has anyone used DIVE cds for science?

Guest Lisa62

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Guest Lisa62

I'm thinking about using the Integrated Physics and Chemistry with BJU Physical World for my 10th grade dd. She is NOT a science lover. We struggled through biology last year as she went to ps the first semester and our district has all freshman take biology. I don't think she is ready to jump into Chemistry yet, so thought this might be a good prep.


Any users that can give opionion? Or other options?

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My ds, 10th grade, used the DIVE cd for Chemistry along with both the Apologia Chemistry text books (actually, he is finishing it up this summer - when he is home!). He has really enjoyed it. the lectures are interesting and informative, as are the labs. You ca choose to watch the labs and fill in the lab reports using his data, or you can do some of the labs at home. We have chosen to do as many of the labs at home as possible. Hopefully your experience will be just as positive as ours has been.



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After checking out their website, I'm a bit confused. Are the DIVE cds (esp. the biology one) self-contained courses or are they just the labs? The website mentioned textbooks that they could correlate with? I'm looking just for high school labs.



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I'm planning to use the Physical Science one with my 9th grade dd this year (just bought it this morning, actually!)


Myra, the cd's are a full course, with both lectures, quizzes and labs. You can use either a textbook like Apologia or the internet for supplemental readings.


I'm glad to hear some success stories, but I'm a little concerned my dd will be like Cindy's. She's not much of a science whiz! But I'm hoping for the best!

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I really think that my dd did fine for the first 1/4 of the course, but the 2nd 1/4 got difficult. We actually only finished the first semester, which was chemistry. The second semester is physics (in the Physical Science DIVE CD). My dd is smart, but maybe was a little young for this course. It's also possible that she learned more than she thinks she did. I'll find out when she gets to chemistry. But it sure made my life easier, because Dr. Shoremann did all the work explaining the lessons, and I didn't have to do anything. And my dd learned how to take notes, organize her work, listen to lectures, and work well on her own. It was very good that way.

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One thing to consider is that you cannot resell these, just like all other DIVE CDs. $50 is a small price for an instructor though.


My dd did Physical Science and I will state this emphatically, this course is for the student whose strength is math and/or science. The lessons were FULL of math and the experiments called for materials I wasn't willing to purchase or use. I see that moms here love the Chemistry course; just thinking of that one gives me hives. ;) My dd got through it and I hope learned something, but as you can tell, her and her mom will not be using these CDs again.


Don't get me wrong, it is a wonderful course; it just didn't work for us. :)

Edited by LatinTea
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