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I am so jealous

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of some of you ladies. I wish I had other home schoolers around me. I notice many of you live in areas where there are many home schooling families and co-ops or cottage schools. I live in Baja Ca. and only know of three other families here, not very close either. I live close enough to Ca that I could drive there but there aren't any co-ops that I have found in San Diego. Most of the hs families are in Charter schools and have no need to pool together to organize classes, curriculum fairs, etc. I have even mentioned it to the ones I have met, but while everyone would love to get any classes offered (free) none would be willing to give a class in return. Uggggh Their charters pay for their activities, so the hs classes available are all given at the rate that charters pay and are often too far north to attend.


Please tell me al these things are over rated, it would make me feel much better.:D That's all.

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Well, when you're dealing with groups of people, there's always conflict of some sort, even if everyone is like-minded. So, by not having access to that sort of thing, you're saving yourself from the stress of dealing with the additional conflict in your life!


Used Curriculum fairs can be overwhelming and stressful if what you're needing isn't there, or if the person in front of you just bought the last of it!


Do you feel any better now?;)

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Don't feel too bad about not having lots of homeschoolers around. There are lots of homeschoolers around here, but we are not in any co-ops or other hs activities because they are all very expensive. Everything here is priced assuming that both parents have high paying jobs and can afford $200 for a week-long class. We cannot. The only big activity dd has done is T-ball with a city league. Her friends are mostly ps girls from church.

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Don't feel bad! We moved from a city that had co-ops and homeschool groups(which we were involved). I have felt less stressed in our new city...not having those commitments. I believe there are co-ops and groups around, but I'm enjoying being anonymous and free for a bit:tongue_smilie:


Having lots to do can be nice, but it is also a bit overrated and tiring(from someone who has been there/done that). Feel better?

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I think this is what I needed to hear. I just had a case of the grass is always greener combined with sticker shock at some of the prices for things. It probably wouldn't be worth it with the drive and wait at the border if we did cross to the U.S. Thanks.



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