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I can't figure it out....

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...b/c they are paying for things they won't get to use or see their dc use....if their stuff actually ends up in their dc's desk and not in some classroom "pot" in which all supplies are evenly distributed.


My dc are chomping at the bit to open their new crayola boxes...as am I.:iagree:

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I have been anxiously awaiting the school supply sales! It's so much more fun to buy supplies when you actually get to use what you purchase and you get to buy what you like! :001_smile:


When DS was in private school, I used to order to package that they sold at school which would be delivered to his room before the first day of school. Almost everything went into the community supply pot anyway and I always hated trying to buy from their list on my own. It would have things like "two black medium point Sharpies" and I could find a package of four or buy them individually for over half the cost of the four pack, so I would end up buying the four pack because it was the better deal and either keeping the extras (which I usually really didn't need) or sending them in anyway. All kinds of things were either only available in wrong quantities or with other items not on the list. :( It made me feel like I was wasting money. Maybe that is part of why they don't think it is fun.


Oh, and the school always requested things like "solid color pocket folders: red, blue, green, yellow" but my kids always wanted the fun ones with cool pictures on them. I felt like the big meanie telling them they had to get the plain colored ones. Since we are now HS-ing I let them get the fun pocket folders with cool pictures.:) The same thing with crayons, we were warned not to buy a bigger pack than listed, they only wanted the 24 pack; my kids wanted more colors. Now we have the 64 box! :)

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Because every year, you have to buy NEW so that the other kids don't label your kids as dorks. So you go and stock up, according to the school supply list, knowing that come June, they are going to bring most of this stuff back home, with lots of life, but battered enough to be an embarrassment to show up with the first week of school the following year... And then a month and a half later, you shop for more new stuff....repeat cycle for several years...and you have a mammoth crayon bin like I do.


This year, I am stocking on what we'll actually WANT and USE, and I'm having fun. :)

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:iagree: with the pps - but, I usually got very little of what I sent to the school back at the end of the year. Why is it I had to buy 3 packs of crayons to send up there every single year, but now we've used the same crayons at home for almost 2 years? Basically, the parents who actually bought the stuff were buying extra to cover the kids whose parents don't. When I subbed I saw that the teachers had cabinets full of extras. And my local district specified brand names for almost everything, too. :glare:

We don't really need anything, but I've been wandering the school supply aisles just in case there's something out there I can't resist. :D

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:iagree: with the pps - but, I usually got very little of what I sent to the school back at the end of the year. Why is it I had to buy 3 packs of crayons to send up there every single year, but now we've used the same crayons at home for almost 2 years?



Good question? Our school asks each kid to send in 48 pencils. Last year I bought my girls expensive pencils, so gave them 3 each at the beginning of the year & they wanted 2 more in December & in June I got 2 back. So why do they need 48?

Year before last year, I had to buy each 3/4 sets of regular crayons & they kept loosing them. So last year, I got them twistables & they got the sets back intact as they were the only children with their names written on each crayon.


Believe it of not there are kids who intentionally break crayons, erasers, rulers & even pencils that belong to others.

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