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I DID IT! I DID IT! I ordered TOG!


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I just ordered TOG Yr1. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I have been praying and asking questions, and more questions! As usual, all of you have just been so gracious in answering questions and sharing! I so grateful!

Now to play with my new toy.... LOCKLIZARD! Yipee!




Have fun! :D



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I'm so excited! I just love it!


Now to decide whether to use UG or D books. sigh........ ds10 reads and comprehends WAY above his grade level. But I want it to be fun, and incorporate more thinking and reflecting and use the lapbooks and mapping. We have read some of the UG books, so maybe i go with D on those weeks!


Thanks again to everyone that has helped me in this big decision!

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I'm so excited! I just love it!


Now to decide whether to use UG or D books. sigh........ ds10 reads and comprehends WAY above his grade level. But I want it to be fun, and incorporate more thinking and reflecting and use the lapbooks and mapping. We have read some of the UG books, so maybe i go with D on those weeks!


Thanks again to everyone that has helped me in this big decision!


I would start with UG for three reasons. 1. it is new and a lower learning curve, 2. you want them to want more and 3. you can always more them up mid year.



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I'm so excited! I just love it!


Now to decide whether to use UG or D books. sigh........ ds10 reads and comprehends WAY above his grade level. But I want it to be fun, and incorporate more thinking and reflecting and use the lapbooks and mapping. We have read some of the UG books, so maybe i go with D on those weeks!


Thanks again to everyone that has helped me in this big decision!



If you are not sure which level to start out in, you are better off starting in the lower level. It does have a learning curve, but once you figure out how it works for your family it is a joy to use.

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I am very happy for you!

TOG has been such a blessing to us - when we switched two years ago we found it to be a perfect fit for our homeschool experience - it is wonderful when you find the curriculum that fits like a hand in glove!


(PS - I agree, it is quite easy to "move up" mid year or as you see fit. You will know when your dc are ready for more of a challenge. I had my dd read D lit this year yet UG history - this worked well for us as a transition to full-fledged D. level.)

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I'm so excited! I just love it!


Now to decide whether to use UG or D books. sigh........ ds10 reads and comprehends WAY above his grade level. But I want it to be fun, and incorporate more thinking and reflecting and use the lapbooks and mapping. We have read some of the UG books, so maybe i go with D on those weeks!


Thanks again to everyone that has helped me in this big decision!


I'll second Heather's recommendation to go with UG. My own dd is a voracious, advanced reader too, but I placed her at UG level last year anyway. She did well there, and we had a good year. You'll find that some units of TOG require a lot more reading than others, and with that you don't want to overwhelm your dc with too much too soon. Like others said, you can advance them later on. For now, just get into the program and create a routine that works for you, enjoy the wonderful books and activities and the new learning adventure you are on. UG level books are wonderful for most 10 yo's. If there are weeks that your dc are ahead of the plan, just fill in with other great living books and you'll be fine.


Have a wonderful year! We absolutely love TOG and can't recommend it enough to others.




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I just ordered TOG Yr1. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I have been praying and asking questions, and more questions! As usual, all of you have just been so gracious in answering questions and sharing! I so grateful!

Now to play with my new toy.... LOCKLIZARD! Yipee!


I can't wait to join the TOG club next year; I'm looking forward to making a similar post next year! Have fun and keep us posted on how it's going!!!

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I just bought Yr 2 U3 last week and like you am so excited to start!!! I am working on book lists and keep playing with all the files. I ordered DE plus print and I am anxiously waiting for the print portion to arrive so I can start penciling in notes etc. Have fun!!!!

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