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Can you tell me anything about Tell Me More?


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My son used Tell Me More. *IF* you use an appropriate grammar text (I believe one comes with it?) it is an excellent program. Otherwise, it is a good program. I personally do not like Rosetta Stone. I don't like the teaching method. Completely subjective there - sorry. (I also think I wasted my $$ on the tell me more, as I couldn't get him to do it AND his grammar text... but I digress...).


Then again, I'm old school. As in, really, really old school: if a kid wants to learn a language in my book, they just grab a text and and start writing out their vocabulary words and verb tenses every night until the info is burned in their brains, and pronunciation can come from a tape, a CD, or something free off of a Podcast.


I thought I was weird until I was talking to kid's German teacher (who is 65) and she said "oh no! that is how we all learned foreign language!" LOL




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We've used both; RS was awful and TMM is great IF you use other materials along with it. TMM has really helped with my daughter's speaking and listening skills and grammar too. It has a number of different exercises for practice and there is a mode you can choose that will not let the child move on until they have mastered certain skills. I did find it is better used with an older child (gr. 5+). It teaches from an immersion style, which I really like, but you have to be comfortable with learning words in context.


In addition, for example in French, my dd uses TMM, French readers, French Smart workbooks and DVDs/CDs.

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I've used both TMM and RS for myself. With RS, I found myself having to guess at word means too often. The picture clues weren't evident enough for me. It was very frustrating and time consuming. I like TMM but not as a stand alone program. I'm using TMM through the library or will be if our library staff debug the new city wide software. I supplement with grammar workbooks.

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Can anyone comment on how the two compare if you are only interested in speaking and understanding the language (for young ones who may be moving to the country)...not really on the grammar, writing, etc?




Honestly, if you're going to go to all of the trouble to learn how to speak and understand a language, you might as well learn it. Because you won't really know what you're saying, or "understand" what someone else is saying, without doing so (hence: grammar).


Kids have the ability to pick up language like little sponges. Here's the thing: it isn't the bells and whistles - it is the time and effort put in. You don't have to buy a hugely expensive program. You will get the exact same amount of result from TMM and a grammar book as you will from a decent 1st year high school text book from a used book store and some pod casts. The language is just sitting there. It's up to your kids to go after it.





(yes, I realize they are young. but 1st year language textbooks assume no knowledge at ALL. Even in grammar. More English speakers learn grammar in their first year of foreign language than probably anywhere else. Why? Because the language is being compared to English. Take a look see at the books available to you.)

Edited by asta
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What language are you trying to learn?


Some people like RS some don't. I have a friend( she is 40) who bought 3 levels od RS German and really liked it. She used it herself. She learned a lot of vocabulary words but she can not read or do anything beyond using simple phrases to communicate.


I think, RS is an overpriced language program:(

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