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Spinoff on college threads (do we really need another one??)

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Neither of my parents went to college, but they taught me everything I needed to know, and they are still teaching me. And I'm not talking academics. They are two of the wisest people I know. My dad is a poor speller and grammarian, but he is a great provider, husband, and an excellent dad. We still spend time together on a regular basis. I feel so blessed to have the parents I do!


In case this doesn't come across right, this is meant to encourage any parents here who feel lacking because they didn't go to college.


Have a beautiful evening and enjoy your kiddos!



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I think college degrees are even less an indicator of intelligence than IQ tests. Being smart doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how much time one has spent in a school setting. Learning can take place anywhere, all day long, for life.


I think Jessie Wise told a very beautiful story about the people who raised her and the love of knowledge they instilled in her. And just look at the legacy they've left.....

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Some of the people whose answers and posts I flock to for wisdom are in the list of those who didn't go to college. A friend and I were discussing college the other day, and I really think most of my lessons from college were life lessons, not academic ones. That was just the environment God used to teach them to me. :001_smile:

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Some of the people whose answers and posts I flock to for wisdom are in the list of those who didn't go to college. A friend and I were discussing college the other day, and I really think most of my lessons from college were life lessons, not academic ones. That was just the environment God used to teach them to me. :001_smile:


That was such a great way to say that!! I think of people like Kelli in TN...she's wise. She said she didn't go to college, but her thoughts always mean so much to me!!



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I KNOW college has little to do with aptitude/intelligence in many cases. My father is very intelligent, but because he came from an ESL immigrant farm family in the Valley (in CA), he was put on the voc track in high school without even asking him. He was never even offered science classes in high school. But he's always sought to learn, and is great with cars. I never had that feeling with my father I often got around my (college educated) PS teachers that I was smarter and listening was a waste of my time.


My mom is not the academic sort, but she's the first one I turn to for parenting advice--motherhood and grandmothering has become her vocation, one she's good at. My stepdad is a whiz with computers and radios and rockets, and hasn't got more than an associate's degree. My own husband is a trained chef and didn't attend 4 yr. university, and remains well-read on many subjects I've seldom given thought to, let alone study or understanding.

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