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Transcript Problems for College in Mexico


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My son is slowly working through the process (still) of applying for a Christian University in Mexico. The latest problem is my transcripts from his homeschooling 7th & 8th. They're not official transcripts so they won't accept them. I'm not sure what "official" means to them. I also don't understand why they would not let him enroll if he doesn't have official transcripts from 7th and 8th grades!! He'll be a sophomore in college. Why go back that far and stop the process if they can't get those?!


Anyone have any idea what I can do? This is holding up the process now...

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My son is slowly working through the process (still) of applying for a Christian University in Mexico. The latest problem is my transcripts from his homeschooling 7th & 8th. They're not official transcripts so they won't accept them. I'm not sure what "official" means to them. I also don't understand why they would not let him enroll if he doesn't have official transcripts from 7th and 8th grades!! He'll be a sophomore in college. Why go back that far and stop the process if they can't get those?!


Anyone have any idea what I can do? This is holding up the process now...

That's a new one on me: I've never heard of a college wanting grades from 7th and 8th grade.:glare: I think you need to ask them what "official" means.

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That's a new one on me: I've never heard of a college wanting grades from 7th and 8th grade.:glare: I think you need to ask them what "official" means.

I can't figure that out either! :confused: My ds has to follow through with that, as he's the Spanish speaker. He did e-mail them Thursday, but hasn't received a response back yet...

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I do a lot of work in Central American countries, Mexico included, and I have traveled a great deal with my minor child. We have had to deal with the heavy bureaucracy of Latin America and deal with border officials, etc. in some very strained situations. Thankfully, my husband (an attorney), always prepares me with a packet of very-official looking documents that look far more important than the words written on them. The way things work south of the border: lots of stamps, seals, notarized signatures.


My suggestion is to produce a copy of your son's home-school transcript on thick vellum paper, and put the name of the "school" etc in very fancy font, then go to your local bank (or whatever) and have a notary "notarize" it. Better yet, if you have a friend who is an attorney, have that person sign it as "true and correct" and THEN have it notarized. Also, go to your local office supply store, purchase a gold seal (you know the kind, that's about 1" big, has rough edges, shiny, sticky) and stick it onto the transcript. This will give the document a very official look.


Good luck.

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My suggestion is to produce a copy of your son's home-school transcript on thick vellum paper, and put the name of the "school" etc in very fancy font, then go to your local bank (or whatever) and have a notary "notarize" it. Better yet, if you have a friend who is an attorney, have that person sign it as "true and correct" and THEN have it notarized. Also, go to your local office supply store, purchase a gold seal (you know the kind, that's about 1" big, has rough edges, shiny, sticky) and stick it onto the transcript. This will give the document a very official look.


Good luck.


:iagree: Since they have already seen the "unofficial" transcript, they may notice it is essentially the same one, just fancied up, and still not accept it, but more than likely, seeing the stamps, raised seal and signature will do the trick.


As for wanting grades from 7th and 8th, high school begins earlier in some countries, and in others, grades from both Jr. high and high school "count", so that likely explains their request. About it not making sense to want grades from so far back when he is already in college...most bureaucracies (including our own :)) don't often make much sense. They require what they require, period. Most other countries are much less accustomed to "thinking outside the box" than we are, certainly when it comes to school records.


Best of luck!

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Well, there has been lots of discussion of this "Official" thing at the hs2coll Yahoo Group over the years (for colleges in the states) and the upshot is that you need to have the word "OFFICIAL" on the transcript as in XZY SCHOOL OFFICIAL HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT...


The fancy paper and seal couldn't hurt....



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when I enrolled my dd at our local CC they needed an 'official' transcript.

I just took the one I printed--and put the word 'official' at the top- then I took it to a notary and had them put their seal on it after I signed it (as the principal). That did the trick...


An unofficial transcript is a simple 'copy'... an official transcript has the seal/stamp

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Thankyou soooo much everyone! You make it sound so simple, and I was trying to make it hard, or something! :) I can, and will, do these things you suggest!



Oh, here's another thing: My ds took 7th & 8th grades in one year, which means he didn't do double really on some things, but did on history and science and math. So, for my records, which he used to get into the Christian highschool he went to his Junior and Senior years, and into the college he went to this past year, I had one transcript that said 7th/8th grades.


As someone mentioned, they've already seen the one combined transcript, so I'm wondering if that is part of the problem? Would it work to just fancy up that one, or should I separate the two years out into two transcripts?

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I separated the 7th and 8th grade years out for more clarity for them. I added a line for the siggy of the Principal, which I didn't have before, and added the word "official" where it says transcript!


I think I'll head to the credit union to get them notarized asap.


I do have another question about apostilles....is that how it's spell? I've never heard of it before this school asked for it! I'll be back later to ask that question.


Thanks again sooo much for your help!

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