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OT: Friendship bread..using WW flour question..

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I got a Friendship bread from a great lady at my local Starbucks.

We have developed a friendship over this past year.

I use WW flour due to one of my kid's glucose intolerance. Our bread turned out great. However it was a bit heavy. Should I add my vital gluten flour to the mixture when I add WW flour?


Just wondering if I should do that.



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I received a starter recently, too (already made with WW flour) and used WW flour. I also waaayyy reduced the sugar. It made a rather heavy loaf, but we don't mind. :001_smile: (Last one I made, I added nuts, raisins, and shredded apple. It was delicious...much more bread-like than cake-like. We just sliced it thinly.)


I don't see that using the vital wheat gluten would hurt. Or maybe you could try using part WW pastry flour, which is a bit lighter. :confused:


Good luck with your next batch,



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I used whole wheat flour when I made it. The loaf was a little more dense, but we like it that way.

I also cut back on the sugar and used a different recipe for baking it. The recipe that had been given to me called for a box of pudding mix and I didn't want to use that. I found one that more suited our tastes.


Why don't you ask Doran for her favorite Friendship Bread recipe? ;)

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