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Calling Barry Goldwater...I need water filtration advice...

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I noticed in a forum search that you are super-duper-knowledgeable about water filtration, and I'm hoping that you can advise me about what I should do.


We live on a dairy farm in a heavy agricultural area. We have well water, but we don't drink it, and we've been having water delivered instead. We all like the taste of the "spring water" that is delivered, but I'm trying to slash the household budget wherever I can and thought it was probably time to address the water delivery bill.


We haven't had our well water tested, but I know that there's probably lots of contaminants. There's lots of agricultural spraying in our area, including regular ground fumigation with methyl bromide very nearby.


Are things like Pur pitchers really effective? Are the filters in my refrigerator water dispenser worthwhile at all? Is there something else I should be considering? As I said, my budget is *extremely* tight at the present time, so whatever I do has to be the thriftiest option.

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I noticed in a forum search that you are super-duper-knowledgeable about water filtration, and I'm hoping that you can advise me about what I should do.


We live on a dairy farm in a heavy agricultural area. We have well water, but we don't drink it, and we've been having water delivered instead. We all like the taste of the "spring water" that is delivered, but I'm trying to slash the household budget wherever I can and thought it was probably time to address the water delivery bill.


We haven't had our well water tested, but I know that there's probably lots of contaminants. There's lots of agricultural spraying in our area, including regular ground fumigation with methyl bromide very nearby.


Are things like Pur pitchers really effective? Are the filters in my refrigerator water dispenser worthwhile at all? Is there something else I should be considering? As I said, my budget is *extremely* tight at the present time, so whatever I do has to be the thriftiest option.


1st question...why? is the taste objectionable? is there color, cloudiness? Any of your neighbors use their wells for drinking? How deep is your well?


2nd, any reputable water treatment company will provide free water testing to determine exactly what sort of system you need. You don't need to buy their stuff, but they will try to sell you on it. Have them give you the complete analytical report that they do, and you can PM me if you want me to review it.


3rd. Pur pitchers do what they do, which is filter the water...this might help your situation, it might not...again see questions 1 & 2. Reality is that filter require regular changing (they get full of 'dirt'). Wary of the fridge filter if you've used it and/or not changed it...if you don't remember, that's a bad sign.


"Clean water" is a relative term...sorry it's not a simple yes/no answer...

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